发布时间: 2024年04月07日浏览次数:
Gap junctions mediate glucose transfer to promote colon cancer growth in three-dimensional spheroid culture
three-dimensional spheroid culture
cancer LettersSCI1Ke Gong,Qingqi Hong,Huiwen Wu 亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Ke Gong,Huiwen Wu)/厦门大学第一附属医院(Qingqi Hong)胡天惠,洪晓婷亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(胡天惠,洪晓婷)2022 Apr 10;531:27-38
Loss of MLL induces epigenetic dysregulation of Rasgrf1 to attenuate Kras-driven lung tumorigenesisCancer ResearchSCI1Ling-Yu Zhu亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站金光辉亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(金光辉)2022 Nov 15;82(22):4153-4163
Gap junctions mediate glucose transfer to promote colon cancer growth in three-dimensional spheroid culture.Cancer LettersSCI1Ke Gong , Qingqi Hong , Huiwen Wu 亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Ke Gong,Huiwen Wu)/厦门大学第一附属医院(Qingqi Hong)胡天惠,洪晓婷亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(胡天惠,洪晓婷)2022 Apr 10;531:27-38
Osteocyte CIITA aggravates osteolytic bone lesions in myelomaNature CommunicationsSCI1刘欢Houston Methodist Cancer Center, Houston Methodist Research Institute, Houston Methodist Hospital, HoustonJing YangHouston Methodist Hosp, Houston Methodist Res Inst, Houston Methodist Canc Ctr, Houston(Jing Yang)2022 Jun 27;13(1):3684
Self-delivery nanodrugs developed via small-molecule-directed assembly and macrophage cloaking for sonodynamic-augmented immunotherapyAdvanced Healthcare MaterialsSCI1Fang Xie厦门大学附属第一医院Yang Li, 颜江华 , Qin Lin, 罗芳洪中科院(Yang Li )/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(颜江华 , Qin Lin, 罗芳洪)2022 Aug;11(16):e2102770
Virus-Inspired Hollow Mesoporous Gadolinium-Bismuth Nanotheranostics for Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Synergistic Photodynamic-RadiotherapyAdvanced Healthcare MaterialsSCI1Zongjunlin Liu亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站Yang Li, 颜江华 , Qin Lin, 罗芳洪中科院(Yang Li )/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(颜江华 , Qin Lin, 罗芳洪)2022 Mar;11(6):e2102060
Oncolytic virus expressing PD-1 inhibitors activates a collaborative intratumoral immune response to control tumor and synergizes with CTLA-4 or TIM-3 blockadeJournal for ImmunoTherapy of CancerSCI1Fei Ju, Yong Luo, Chaolong Lin, Xian Jia 厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Fei Ju,Chaolong Lin)/中国杭州养生堂有限公司(Yong Luo)/厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(Xian Jia)付国, Xiangzhong Ye,黄承浩,夏宁邵亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站( 付国)/Beijing Wantai Biol Pharm( Xiangzhong Ye)/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(黄承浩,夏宁邵)2022 Jun;10(6):e004762
m6A reader hnRNPA2B1 drives multiple myeloma osteolytic bone diseaseTheranosticsSCI1刘蕊亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站Fang, Zhihong,刘欢厦门大学附属第一医院(Fang, Zhihong)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(刘欢)2022 Nov 14;12(18):7760-7774
Dual ligand engagement for noncanonical inflammasome activationNature ImmunologySCI1杨章华亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站韩家淮亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(韩家淮)2022 May;23(5):651-653
Caspase-1 and Gasdermin D Afford the Optimal Targets with Distinct Switching Strategies in NLRP1b Inflammasome-Induced Cell DeathResearchSCI1Xiang Li, Peipei Zhang, Zhiyong Yin厦门大学物理系、福建省软功能材料研究重点实验室(Xiang Li, Zhiyong Yin)/厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(Peipei Zhang)Xiang Li, Jianwei Shuai亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Xiang Li, Jianwei Shuai)2022 Jul 19;2022:9838341
Demethylase JMJD2D induces PD-L1 expression to promote colorectal cancer immune escape by enhancing IFNGR1-STAT3-IRF1 signaling. OncogeneSCI1Qiang Chen厦门大学生命科YAXIN SPORTSKesong Peng ,李文岗,Nengming Xiao and Chundong Yu复旦大学(Kesong Peng )/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(李文岗,Nengming Xiao and Chundong Yu)2022 Mar;41(10):1421-1433
A topical platelet-independent multilevel clotting initiator for intraoperative hemostasisChemical Engineering JournalSCI1Fenglin Miao/ Huirong Lin厦门大学翔安医院(Fenglin Miao/)/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Huirong Lin)李文岗;刘刚亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(李文岗)/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(刘刚)2022 Nov;454
Microglial hexokinase 2 deficiency increases ATP generation through lipid metabolism leading to β-amyloid clearanceNature MetabolismSCI1冷历歌亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站冷历歌、张杰亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(冷历歌、张杰)2022 Oct;4(10):1420
APOE interacts with ACE2 inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 cellular entry and inflammation in COVID-19 patientsSIGNAL TRANSDUCTION AND TARGETED THERAPYSCI1张鸿声、邵琳、林志豪、龙泉鑫、袁辉龙厦门大学第一附属医院(张鸿声)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(邵琳、林志豪、袁辉龙)/重庆医科大学(龙泉鑫)黄爱龙、王占祥、赵颖俊、许华曦重庆医科大学(黄爱龙)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(王占祥、赵颖俊、许华曦)2022 Aug 1;7(1):261
CEND1 deficiency induces mitochondrial dysfunction and cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's diseaseCELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATIONSCI1谢文婷、郭栋、李杰银亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站高伟伟、张杰福建医科大学(高伟伟)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(张杰)2022 Dec;29(12):2417-2428
Microglial lactate metabolism as a potential therapeutic target for Alzheimer's diseaseMOLECULAR NEURODEGENERATIONSCI1赵颖俊厦门大学第一附属医院许华曦亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(许华曦)2022 May 12;17(1):36
Metabolic reprogramming in astrocytes results in neuronal dysfunction in intellectual disabilityMOLECULAR PSYCHIATRYSCI1Haibin Zhang, Qiuyang Zheng, Tiantian Guo, Shijun Zhang亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Haibin Zhang, Qiuyang Zheng, Tiantian Guo)/厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(Shijun Zhang)王鑫厦门大学附属第一医院(王鑫)2022 Mar 25
USP25 inhibition ameliorates Alzheimer's pathology through the regulation of APP processing and Aβ generationJOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATIONSCI1Qiuyang Zheng,Beibei Song,Guilin Li,Fang Cai 亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Qiuyang Zheng,Guilin Li )/Townsend Family Laboratories, Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada(Beibei Song,Fang Cai )宋伟宏、许华曦、王鑫温州医科大学(宋伟宏)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(许华曦、王鑫)2022 Mar 1;132(5):e152170
Deciphering the endometrial niche of human thin
endometrium at single-cell resolution
PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICASCI1吕海宁南京大学医YAXIN SPORTS邓文波,Dai, Jianwu,Hu, Yali亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(邓文波)/中科院(Dai, Jianwu)/南京大学(Hu, Yali)2022 Feb 22;119(8):e2115912119
Menin directs regionalized decidual transformation
through epigenetically setting PTX3 to balance FGF
and BMP signaling
NATURE COMMUNICATIONSSCI1刘梦莹,邓文波厦门大学药物科学YAXIN SPORTS(刘梦莹)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(邓文波)王海滨,吕忠显,孔双博厦门大学附属第一医院(王海滨)/厦门大学药YAXIN SPORTS(吕忠显)/厦门大学附属第一医院(孔双博)2022 Feb 22;13(1):1006
P38α MAPK is a gatekeeper of uterine progesterone
responsiveness at peri-implantation via Ube3c-mediated
PGR degradation
PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICASCI1唐业东福建师范大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS王正朝,王海滨,孔双博亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(王正朝,王海滨,孔双博)2022 Aug 9;119(32):e2206000119
Harnessing Bifunctional Ferritin with Kartogenin Loadingfor Mesenchymal Stem Cell Capture and EnhancingChondrogenesis in Cartilage RegenerationAdvanced Healthcare MaterialsSCI1任恩厦门大学厦门公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS楚成超、郑丽、刘刚亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(楚成超)/广西医科大学(郑丽)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(刘刚)2022 Apr;11(8):e2101715
A pure nanoICG‑based homogeneous lipiodol formulation: toward precise surgical navigation of primary liver cancer after long‑term transcatheter arterial embolizationEuropean Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular ImagingSCI1张阳、程红伟、陈虎、Peiyao Xu厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(张阳、程红伟、陈虎)/华侨大学生物材料与组织工程研究所(Peiyao Xu)楚成超、毛景松、刘刚厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(楚成超、毛景松、刘刚)2022 Jul;49(8):2605-2617
Ru-based Metal-Organic Nanoradiosensitizers Enhance Radiotherapy by Combining ROS Generation and CO Gas ReleaseANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITIONSCI1代奇轩厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS楚成超、刘刚亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(楚成超、刘刚)2022 Dec 12;61(50):e202211674
In vivo assembly drug delivery strategy based on ultra-small nanoparticles: Toward high drug permeation and accumulation for CNV treatmentCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNALSCI1Yu JW;Wu YM;Dai QX亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Yu JW;Wu YM)/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Dai QX)李炜,刘刚,楚成超亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(李炜)/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(刘刚)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(楚成超)2022 Jul,450(1)
RGD-functionalised melanin nanoparticles for intraoperative photoacoustic imaging-guided breast cancer surgeryEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING
SCI1Jingjing Liu,Zun Wang亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Jingjing Liu)/汕头大学医YAXIN SPORTS(Zun Wang)Chen, Min,张国君厦门大学附属翔安医院(Chen, Min,张国君)2022 Feb;49(3):847-860
Biodegradable Nanoprobe for NIR-II Fluorescence Image-Guided Surgery and Enhanced Breast Cancer Radiotherapy EfficacyADVANCED SCIENCESCI1Lei Ren, Guo-Jun Zhang厦门大学材料YAXIN SPORTS(Lei Ren)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Guo-Jun Zhang)张国君厦门大学附属翔安医院(张国君)2022 Apr;9(12):e2104728
Comprehensive Humoral and Cellular Immune Responses to
SARS-CoV-2 Variants in Diverse Chinese Population
ResearchSCI1Jiwei Li 亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站张国君,郑雅莉;高占成厦门大学附属翔安医院(张国君)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(郑雅莉;高占成)2022 Nov 14;2022:9796409
Glycerol monolaurate ameliorates DSS-induced acute colitis by inhibiting infiltration of Th17, neutrophils, macrophages and altering the gut microbiotaFrontiers in NutritionSCI1Ke-Jie He亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站巴亚斯古楞厦门大学附属翔安医院()2022 Aug 12;9:911315
Aβ-responsive metformin-based supramolecular synergistic nanodrugs for
Alzheimer’s disease via enhancing microglial Aβ clearance
BiomaterialsSCI1Zhongxiong Fan, Tong Ren, Youjun Wang厦门大学材料YAXIN SPORTS(Zhongxiong Fan)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Tong Ren, Youjun Wang)杨立朝亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(杨立朝)2022 Apr;283:121452
Trojan-Horse Diameter-Reducible Nanotheranostics for
Macroscopic/Microscopic Imaging-Monitored ChemoAntiangiogenic Therapy
ACS Applied Materials & InterfacesSCI1Zhongxiong Fan厦门大学生物医学工程研究院Su, Guanghao,杨立朝,侯振清Soochow Univ(Su, Guanghao)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(杨立朝,侯振清)2022 Feb 2;14(4):5033-5052
68Ga Fibroblast Activation Protein Inhibitor PET/CT in the Detection of Metastatic Thyroid Cancer: Comparison with 18F-FDG PET/CTRADIOLOGYSCI1付浩/吴婧亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站陈皓鋆/厦门大学附属第一医院(陈皓鋆)2022 Aug;304(2):397-405
68Ga-FAPI PET/CT detected non-FDG-avid bone metastases in breast cancerEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGINGSCI1商齐航/郝冰厦门大学第一附属医院孙龙;陈皓鋆厦门大学附属第一医院(孙龙;陈皓鋆)2022 May;49(6):2096-2097
An automated nucleic acid detection platform using digital microfluidics with an optimized Cas12a systemSCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRYSCI1孙珍/林康凤/赵泽航厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS张睿/杨朝勇/李博安厦门大学附属第一医院(张睿)/厦门大学材料YAXIN SPORTS(杨朝勇/李博安)2022;65(3):630-640
An Unusual Case of Gastrointestinal PolyposisGASTROENTEROLOGYSCI1黄伟锋亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站黄伟锋/厦门大学附属第一医院(黄伟锋)2022 Sep;163(3):e1-e3
An Unusual Cause of Abdominal Pain: IgA VasculitisCLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGYSCI1陈艺萍亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站Chen, Yi-Ping/厦门大学附属第一医院(Chen, Yi-Ping)2022 Jul;20(7):A17-A18
Effect of Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Inhibitors on the Rupture Risk Among Hypertensive Patients With Intracranial AneurysmsHypertensionSCI1钟平,路智文亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(钟平)/第二军医大学长海医院(路智文)陈四方/黄清海厦门大学附属第一医院(陈四方)/Naval Medical University(黄清海)2022 Jul;79(7):1475-1486
Fibroblast activation protein-based theranostics in cancer research: A state-of-the-art reviewTHERANOSTICSSCI1赵亮,Jianhao Chen,Yizhen Pang厦门大学第一附属医院孙龙/林勤/陈皓鋆厦门大学附属第一医院(孙龙/林勤/陈皓鋆)2022 Jan 9;12(4):1557-1569
Identification of serum metabolites enhancing inflammatory responses in COVID-19SCIENCE CHINA-LIFE SCIENCESSCI1Chen-Song Zhang,Bingchang Zhang,Mengqi Li,Xiaoyan Wei,Kai Gong厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(Chen-Song Zhang,Mengqi Li,Xiaoyan Wei)/厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(Bingchang Zhang,Kai Gong)Lin/ Sheng-Cai/王占祥厦门大学生科院(Lin/ Sheng-Cai)/厦门大学附属第一医院(王占祥)2022 Oct;65(10):1971-1984
Liver-specific overexpression of Gab2 accelerates hepatocellular carcinoma progression by activating immunosuppression of myeloid-derived suppressor cellsOncogeneSCI1陈帅,程江红亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(陈帅)/西安医科大学病原微生物与肿瘤免疫重点实验室(程江红)吕忠显/骆献阳亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(吕忠显)/厦门大学附属第一医院(骆献阳)2022 Jun;41(24):3316-3327
Microfluidic chip with reversible interface for noninvasive remission status monitoring and prognosis prediction of acute myeloid leukemiaBIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICSSCI1赖骞,宋娟,查洁亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(赖骞,查洁)/厦门大学化学与化工YAXIN SPORTS(宋娟)张惠敏/徐兵/杨朝勇厦门大学附属第一医院(张惠敏/徐兵/杨朝勇)2022 Oct 12;219:114803
Multiple Strictures of Small Intestine: Is It a Crohn’s DiseaseGastroenterologySCI1吴娜亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站黄伟锋/厦门大学附属第一医院(黄伟锋)2022 Nov;163(5):e1-e2
Recurrent Abdominal Distension: Colonic Ulcer is a Cause or a Consequence?GastroenterologySCI1黄伟锋亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站陈学勤/厦门大学附属第一医院(陈学勤)2022 Nov;163(5):e22-e24
USP25 inhibition ameliorates Alzheimer's pathology through the regulation of APP processing and A beta generationJOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATIONSCI1Qiuyang Zheng,Beibei Song,Guilin Li,Fang Cai 亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Qiuyang Zheng,Guilin Li )/Townsend Family Laboratories, Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada(Beibei Song,Fang Cai )许华曦/Song, Weihon/王鑫亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(许华曦)/温州医科大学(Song, Weihon)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(王鑫)2022 Mar 1;132(5):e152170
The Oligodendrocyte Transcription Factor 2 OLIG2 regulates transcriptional repression during myelinogenesis in rodentsNATURE COMMUNICATIONSSCI1Kunkun Zhang,Shaoxuan Chen厦门大学第一附属医院莫玮/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(莫玮)2022 Jun 1;13(1):3164
Sec13 promotes oligodendrocyte differentiation and myelin repair through autocrine pleiotrophin signalingJOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATIONSCI1Zhixiong Liu,Minbiao Yan,Wanying Lei神经科学系、神经外科研究所、第一附属医院神经外科、医YAXIN SPORTS细胞应激生物学国家重点实验室。王占祥/Zhang/ Liang/厦门大学附属第一医院(王占祥)/厦门大学生科院(Zhang/ Liang/)2022 Apr 1;132(7):e155096
P38α MAPK is a gatekeeper of uterine progesterone responsiveness at peri-implantation via Ube3c-mediated PGR degradationPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICASCI1唐业东福建师范大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTSWang, Zhengchao/王海滨/孔双博Fujian Normal University(Wang, Zhengchao)/厦门大学附属第一医院(王海滨/孔双博)2022 Aug 9;119(32):e2206000119
Menin directs regionalized decidual transformation through epigenetically setting PTX3 to balance FGF and BMP signalingNATURE COMMUNICATIONSSCI1孔双博,邓文波厦门大学药物科学YAXIN SPORTS(刘梦莹)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(邓文波)孔双博/Lu, Zhongxian/ 王海滨厦门大学附属第一医院(孔双博)/厦门大学药YAXIN SPORTS(Lu, Zhongxian)/厦门大学附属第一医院(王海滨)2022 Feb 22;13(1):1006
Enzyme Catalysis Biomotor Engineering of Neutrophils for Nanodrug Delivery and CellBased Thrombolytic TherapyACS nanoSCI1郑锦荣厦门大学附属心血管病医院(郑锦荣)Li, Gang/桑芒芒厦门大学附属心血管病医院(Li, Gang/桑芒芒)2022 Feb 22;16(2):2330-2344
Lipid-Activatable Fluorescent Probe for Intraoperative
Imaging of Atherosclerotic Plaque Using In Situ Patch
SmallSCI1郑锦荣厦门大学附属心血管病医院Du, Zhichao/李刚/桑芒芒北京大学(Du, Zhichao)/厦门大学附属心血管病医院(李刚/桑芒芒)2022 Feb;18(5):e2104471
Small molecule SWELL1 complex induction
improves glycemic control and nonalcoholic fatty
liver disease in murine Type 2 diabetes
Nature CommunicationsSCI1Susheel K. Gunasekar, Litao Xie, Ashutosh KumarDepartment of Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Division, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA(Susheel K. Gunasekar, Litao Xie, Ashutosh Kumar)Rajan SahWashington University(Rajan Sah)2022 Feb 10;13(1):784
Heart-targeting exosomes from human
cardiosphere-derived cells improve
the therapeutic effect on cardiac hypertrophy
Journal of NanobiotechnologySCI1毛亮厦门大学附属心血管病医院(毛亮)王焱厦门大学附属心血管病医院(王焱)2022 Oct 4;20(1):435
Prediction of cardiovascular
diseases mortality- and
disability-adjusted life-years
attributed to modifiable dietary
risk factors from 1990 to 2030
among East Asian countries and
the world
Frontiers in NutritionSCI1Nawsherwan厦门大学附属心血管病医院Nawsherwan/Mubarik, Sumaira/王焱厦门大学附属心血管病医院(Nawsherwan)/武汉大学(Mubarik, Sumaira)/厦门大学附属心血管病医院(王焱)2022 Oct 17;9:898978
An exploratory human study of superstable homogeneous lipiodol–indocyanine green formulation for precise surgical navigation in liver cancerBIOENGINEERING & TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINESCI1何攀,Yongfu Xiong,Bin Luo,刘建明厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(何攀,刘建明)/中国南充川北医YAXIN SPORTS附属医院(Yongfu Xiong)/中国泸州西南医科大学附属医院(Bin Luo)JingDong Li/Bo Li/尹震宇/Jie Tian/Gang LiuNorth Sichuan Medical University(JingDong Li)/Southwest Med Univ(Bo Li)/厦门大学附属中山医院(尹震宇)/中科院(Jie Tian)/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Gang Liu)2022 Sep 10;8(2):e10404
Causal Association Between Tea Consumption and Bone Health: A Mendelian Randomization StudyFrontiers in Nutrition
SCI1陈嵩/陈添来福建医科大学(陈嵩/陈添来)陈顺有福州二院(陈顺有)2022 Apr 26;9:872451
