发布时间: 2022年12月14日浏览次数:
Glycogen synthase kinase 3 drives thymocyte egress by suppressing b-catenin activation of Akt. Science AdvancesSCI1综合性期刊Chenfeng Liu/ Lei Ma/  Yuxuan Wang厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(Chenfeng Liu)/厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(Lei Ma)/厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(Yuxuan Wang)肖昌春/付国/刘文贤厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(肖昌春)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(付国)/厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(刘文贤)2021 Oct 8;7(41):eabg6262
IFN-γ-dependent NK cell activation is essential to metastasis suppression by engineered Salmonella.Nature CommunicationsSCI1综合性期刊Qiubin Lin/Li Rong香港大学李嘉诚医YAXIN SPORTS生物医学科学YAXIN SPORTS(Qiubin Lin/香港大学李嘉诚医YAXIN SPORTS生物医学科学YAXIN SPORTS(Li Rong林树海/付国/黄建东厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(林树海)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(付国)/香港大学(黄建东)2021 May 5;12(1):2537
Thiamethoxam Exposure Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Affects Ovarian Function and Oocyte Development in MiceJOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRYSCI1农林科学刘玉广西大学医YAXIN SPORTS(刘玉)齐忠权/王海龙广西大学医YAXIN SPORTS(齐忠权)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(王海龙) 2021 Feb 17;69(6):1942-1952
Mitochondrial C1qbp promotes differentiation of effector CD8+ T cells via metabolic-epigenetic reprogrammingSCIENCE ADVANCESSCI1综合性期刊Xingyuan Zhai/Kai Liu/Hongkun Fang厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(Xingyuan Zhai/厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(Kai Liu/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Hongkun Fang李奇渊/Nengming Xiao*亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(李奇渊)/厦门大学生科院(Nengming Xiao)2021 Dec 3;7(49):eabk0490
Genetic Determinants of Somatic Selection of Mutational Processes in 3,566 Human CancersCANCER RESEARCHSCI1医学郭金涛/周颖厦门大学国家健康与医学数据科学研究所(郭金涛)/厦门大学国家健康与医学数据科学研究所(周颖)李奇渊亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(李奇渊)2021 Aug 15;81(16):4205-4217
Oncogenic long intervening noncoding RNA Linc00284 promotes c-Met expression by sponging miR-27a in colorectal cancerONCOGENESCI1医学Jun You/Jiayi Li/Chunlin Ke/Yanru Xiao/Chuanhui Lu厦门大学附属第一医院(Jun You/厦门大学第一附属医院(Jiayi Li/福建医科大学附属第一医院(Chunlin Ke/厦门大学第一附属医院(Yanru Xiao/厦门大学第一附属医院(Chuanhui LuKe, Chunlin/Yanjun/Xia, Rongmu/李奇渊福建医科大学(Ke, Chunlin/福建医科大学(Yanjun/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Xia, Rongmu/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(李奇渊)2021 Jun;40(24):4151-4166
The HNF4α-BC200-FMR1-Positive Feedback Loop Promotes Growth and Metastasis in Invasive Mucinous Lung AdenocarcinomaCancer ResearchSCI1医学陈雄/赵玉洁/王大璇亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站抗癌研究中心(陈雄)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站抗癌研究中心(赵玉洁)/福建省立医院(王大璇)占艳艳亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站抗癌研究中心2021 Dec 1;81(23):5904-5918
Virus-Inspired Gold Nanorod-Mesoporous Silica Core−Shell Nanoparticles Integrated with tTF-EG3287 for Synergetic Tumor Photothermal Therapy and Selective Therapy for Vascular Thrombosis  ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACESSCI1工程技术Xian Luo厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(Xian LuoWang, Peiyuan/李阳/罗芳洪/颜江华中科院厦门稀土研究所(李阳,Wang, Peiyuan /亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(颜江华/罗芳洪)2021 Sep 22;13(37):44013-44027
Deubiquitinase USP39 and E3 ligase TRIM26 balance the level of ZEB1 ubiquitination and thereby determine the progression of hepatocellular carcinomaCELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATIONSCI1生物 李小妹/袁家会厦门大学抗癌研究中心( 李小妹)/厦门大学抗癌研究中心( 袁家会)宋刚厦门大学抗癌中心(宋刚)2021 Aug;28(8):2315-2332
RNAbinding protein RBM24 represses colorectal tumourigenesis by stabilising PTEN mRNACLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINESCI1医学Rong Mu Xia/Tao Liu亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站干细胞与再生医学研究所(Rong Mu Xia/厦门大学翔安医院(Tao Liu李文岗/ 徐秀琴亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(李文岗)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站干细胞与再生医学研究所(徐秀琴)2021 Oct;11(10):e383
Establishment of an orthotopic perirenal space xenograft mouse model of retroperitoneal sarcomaCANCER COMMUNICATIONSSCI1医学Fu'an Xie厦门大学腹膜后肿瘤研究中心(Fu'an XieLuo, Chenghua/李文岗北京大学(Luo, Chenghua/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Li, Wengang2021 Jul;41(7):631-634
Virus-Inspired Hollow Mesoporous Gadolinium-Bismuth
Nanotheranostics for Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided
Synergistic Photodynamic-Radiotherapy
Advanced Healthcare Materials.SCI1工程技术Zongjunlin Liu厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(Zongjunlin Liu李阳/罗芳洪/林勤/颜江华中科院厦门稀土研究所(李阳) /亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(罗芳洪)/厦门大学附属第一医院(林勤)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(颜江华)2022 Mar;11(6):e2102060
Effectiveness of potential antiviral treatments in COVID-19 transmission control: a modelling studyINFECTIOUS DISEASES OF POVERTYSCI1医学Sheng-Nan Lin/ Jia Rui/Qiu-Ping Chen厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Sheng-Nan Lin /厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Jia Rui /厦门大学翔安医院(Qiu-Ping ChenZhao, Ben-Hua; Chiang, Yi-Chen; Chen, Tian-Mu厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Zhao, Ben-Hua; Chiang, Yi-Chen; Chen, Tian-Mu 2021 Apr 19;10(1):53
The loss of SHMT2 mediates 5-fluorouracil chemoresistance in colorectal cancer by upregulating autophagyONCOGENESCI1医学Jian Chen/Risi Na/Chao Xiao/Xiao Wang同济大学附属上海肺科医院(Jian Chen/厦门大学附属翔安医院(Risi Na/复旦大学医YAXIN SPORTS附属华山医院(Chao Xiao/中山大学附属第五医院(Xiao WangFan, Guangjian/庄国洪/唐华美/彭志海上海交通大学医YAXIN SPORTS(Fan, Guangjian/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(庄国洪)/厦门大学附属翔安医院(唐华美)/厦门大学附属翔安医院(彭志海)2021 Jun;40(23):3974-3988
A Fully Automated and Integrated Microfluidic System for Efficient CTC Detection and Its Application in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Screening and PrognosisACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACESSCI1工程技术Jie Wang厦门大学附属翔安医院(Jie Wang杨朝勇/Chen, Xiang/ 彭志海厦门大学附属翔安医院(杨朝勇/彭志海)/上海交通大学(Chen, Xiang2021 Jun 30;13(25):30174-30186
The CYP3A5 genotypes of both liver transplant recipients and donors influence the time-dependent recovery of tacrolimus clearance during the early stage following transplantationCLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINESCI1医学Li Huang/Abdullah A. Assiri/Peihao Wen/Kun Zhang上海交通大学附属上海总医院(Li Huang/沙特阿拉伯艾卜哈的哈立德国王大学(Abdullah A. Assiri/中国郑州市第一附属医院(Peihao Wen/厦门大学厦门大学翔安医院(Kun ZhangGuo, Wenzhi/Overholser, Brian R./彭志海郑州大学(Guo, Wenzhi/Purdue UnivOverholser, Brian R/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(彭志海)2021 Oct;11(10):e542
SLITRK5 is a negative regulator of hedgehog signaling in osteoblastsNATURE COMMUNICATIONSSCI1综合性期刊Jun Sun/Dong Yeon Shin威尔康奈尔医YAXIN SPORTS(Jun Sun/威尔康奈尔医YAXIN SPORTS(Dong Yeon Shin许韧/ Matthew B. Greenblatt厦门大学(许韧)/Weill Cornell Medical CollegeMatthew B. Greenblatt2021 Jul 29;12(1):4611
Trisomy 21-induced dysregulation of microglial homeostasis in Alzheimer's brains is mediated by USP25SCIENCE ADVANCESSCI1综合性期刊郑秋阳/李桂林亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(郑秋阳)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(李桂林)王鑫亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(王鑫) 2021 Jan 1;7(1):eabe1340
RPS23RG1 modulates Tau phosphorylation and axon outgrowth through regulating p35 proteasomal degradationCELL DEATH & DIFFERENTIATIONSCI1生物赵东栋亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(赵东栋)张云武亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(张云武)2021 Jan;28(1):337-348
SNX14 deficiency-induced defective axonal mitochondrial transport in Purkinje cells underlies cerebellar ataxia and can be reversed by valproateNATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEWSCI1综合性期刊 张洪峰/洪育娟亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(张洪峰)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(洪育娟)王鑫亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(王鑫)2021 Feb 10;8(7):nwab024
Site-Specific Photochemical Desaturation Enables Divergent Syntheses of Illicium SesquiterpenesJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETYSCI1化学Yang Shen厦门大学化学化工YAXIN SPORTS(Yang Shen张云武/张延东亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(张云武)/厦门大学化学化工YAXIN SPORTS(张延东)2021 Mar 3;143(8):3256-3263
Nuclear speckle specific hnRNP D-like prevents age- and AD-related cognitive decline by modulating RNA splicingMOLECULAR NEURODEGENERATIONSCI1医学张庆阳中国科技大学(张庆阳)许华曦/刘强亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(许华曦)/中国科技大学(刘强) 2021 Sep 22;16(1):66
RNA-binding protein RBM24 represses colorectal tumourigenesis by stabilising PTEN mRNACLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINESCI1医学夏荣木/刘涛亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(夏荣木)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(刘涛)李文岗/徐秀琴厦门大学附属翔安医院(李文岗)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(徐秀琴) 2021 Oct;11(10):e383
Stimulus-Responsive Microfluidic Interface Enables Efficient Enrichment and Cytogenetic Profiling of Circulating Myeloma CellsACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACESSCI1工程技术Yilong Liu/ Rui Su/Juan Song厦门大学化学与化工YAXIN SPORTS(Yilong Liu/ 亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站厦门大学第一附属医院(Rui Su/厦门大学化学与化工YAXIN SPORTS(Juan SongZhang, Huimin/徐秀琴/杨朝勇亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Zhang, Huimin/徐秀琴/杨朝勇) 2021 Apr 7;13(13):14920-14927
Engineered bio-adhesive polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane hybrid nanoformulation of amphotericin B for prolonged therapy of fungal keratitisChemical Engineering JournalSCI1工程技术Yi Han/Chenfang Xu/Huihui Shi亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站眼科研究所(Yi Han/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站眼科研究所(Chenfang Xu/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站眼科研究所(Huihui ShiWu, Yun-Long;Li, Zibiao;李程亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Wu, Yun-Long;Li, Zibiao;李程)2021  APR
Metal-organic nanostructure based on TixOy/Ruthenium reaction Units: For
CT/MR Imaging-Guided X-ray induced dynamic therapy
Chemical Engineering JournalSCI1工程技术Dongsheng Li/ Qixuan Dai/HuChen厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Dongsheng Li/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS( Qixuan Dai/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(HuChen李炜/刘刚/楚成超厦门大学眼科研究所(李炜)/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(刘刚/楚成超)2021  MAR
Organic Sonosensitizers for Sonodynamic Therapy:
From Small Molecules and Nanoparticles toward
Clinical Development
SmallSCI1工程技术Dong Li 厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Dong Li楚成超/刘刚厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(楚成超/刘刚)2021 Oct;17(42):e2101976
Artificial nanocage-based 3D framework platforms: From construction design to biomedical applicationsChemical Engineering JournalSCI1工程技术Zhixiang Lu/ShuangBai厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Zhixiang Lu/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Shuang Bai楚成超/刘刚厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(楚成超/刘刚)2021  AUG
Inhibition of ceramide de novo synthesis ameliorates meibomian gland dysfunction induced by SCD1 deficiencyOcular SurfaceSCI1医学季春燕/郭俞利亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站眼科研究所(季春燕)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站眼科研究所(郭俞利)任杰/邱彦厦门大学眼科研究所(任杰/邱彦)2021 Oct;22:230-241
Effectiveness of an ocular adhesive polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane hybrid thermo-responsive FK506 hydrogel in a murine model of dry eyeBioactive MaterialsSCI1工程技术Yi Han/ Lu Jiang/Huihui Shi/Chenfang Xu亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站眼科研究所(Yi Han/Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, ASTAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), Singapore, 138634, Singapore.Lu Jiang/中国科YAXIN SPORTS大学(Huihui Shi/厦门大学药学科学YAXIN SPORTS(Chenfang Xu吴云龙/李子彪/李程厦门大学药YAXIN SPORTS(吴云龙)/新加坡国立大学材料科学和工程系(李子彪)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(李程)2021 Jul 28;9:77-91
RIP1-dependent linear and nonlinear recruitments of caspase-8 and RIP3 respectively to necrosome specify distinct cell death outcomesPROTEIN & CELLSCI1生物李翔/钟传奇/吴睿厦门大学生科院(李翔)/厦门大学生科院(钟传奇)/厦门大学生科院(吴睿)帅建伟/韩家淮厦门大学生科院(帅建伟)/厦门大学生科院(韩家淮) 2021 Nov;12(11):858-876
Intravital Whole-Process Monitoring Thermo-Chemotherapy Via 2D Silicon Nanoplatform: A Macro Guidance and Long-Term Microscopic Precise Imaging Strategy.ADVANCED SCIENCESCI1工程技术Doudou Huang,/Guangxing Wang/Jingsong Mao/Chunlei Liu厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS分子影像中心(Doudou Huang)/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS分子影像中心(Guangxing Wang)/厦门大学翔安医院(Jingsong Mao)/Laboratory of Translational Medicine, Medical Innovation Research Division of Chinese PLA General Hospital(Chunlei Liu)Ma, Heng/Mao jing song(毛景松)Air Force Military Medical UniversityMa, Heng//厦门大学分子影像中心(Mao jing song(毛景松)) 2021 Aug;8(16):e2101242
Repurposing ICG enables MR/PA imaging signal amplification and iron depletion for iron-overload disordersScience AdvancesSCI1综合性期刊Huirong Lin厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS分子影像中心(Huirong Lin)Mao jing song(毛景松)/Wang, Fudi/Liu, Gang厦门大学分子影像中心(Mao jing song(毛景松))/浙江大学(Wang, Fudi/厦门大学分子影像中心(Liu, Gang2021 Dec 17;7(51):eabl5862
A Fully Automated and Integrated Microfluidic System for Efficient CTC Detection and Its Application in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Screening and Prognosis.ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACESSCI1工程技术Jie Wang亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Jie WangChaoyong Yang*, Xiang Chen*, and Zhihai Peng*厦门大学附属翔安医院(Chaoyong Yang*/上海交通大学(Xiang Chen*/厦门大学附属翔安医院(Zhihai Peng*2021 Jun 30;13(25):30174-30186
The loss of SHMT2 mediates 5-fluorouracil chemoresistance in colorectal cancer by upregulating autophagy.OncogeneSCI1医学Jian Chen/ Risi Na/Chao Xiao/ Xiao Wang同济大学医YAXIN SPORTS上海肺医院(Jian Chen/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站附属翔安医院( Risi Na/上海复旦大学医YAXIN SPORTS华山医院(Chao Xiao/中山大学附属第五医院 Xiao WangHuamei Tang*, Guohong Zhuang*, Guangjian Fan*, Zhihai Peng*亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Huamei Tang*/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站( Guohong Zhuang*/上海交通大学( Guangjian Fan/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站( Zhihai Peng2021 Jun;40(23):3974-3988
Targeted combination therapy for glioblastoma by co-delivery of doxorubicin, YAP-siRNA and gold nanorodsJournal of Materials Science & TechnologySCI1工程技术Lihuang LiXiamen Univ, Coll Mat, Res Ctr Biomed Engn Xiamen, Dept Biomat,Key Lab Biomed Engn Fujian Prov UnivLihuang LiXiumin Wang, Liangcheng Li, Lei RenXiamen Univ, Fujian Prov KeyLab Innovat Drug Target Res, Sch Pharmaceut Sci, Xiamen, Peoples R ChinaXiumin Wang/Xiamen Univ, Fujian Prov KeyLab Innovat Drug Target Res, Sch Pharmaceut Sci, Xiamen, Peoples R ChinaLiangcheng Li/厦门大学材料YAXIN SPORTS( Lei Ren2021, Vol. 63: 81-90
Micro/nanodevices for assessment and treatment in stomatology and ophthalmologyMICROSYSTEMS & NANOENGINEERINGSCI1工程技术An'an Sheng / Long Lin/ Jia Zhu北京航空航天大学(An'an Sheng /北京航空航天大学( Long Lin/宾夕法尼亚州立大学(Jia Zhu李健;Chang, LingqianCheng, Huanyu厦门大学附属翔安医院(李健)/北京航空航天大学(Chang, Lingqian/Penn State Univ, Dept Engn Sci & Mech, University Pk, PA 16802 USACheng, Huanyu2021 Jan 29;7:11
Association Between Diet-Related Inflammation and COPD: Findings From NHANES IIIFrontiers in NutritionSCI1农林科学刘海月/谭细兰,刘祖恒厦门大学附属第一医院(刘海月)/南方医科大学(谭细兰)/厦门大学附属第一医院(刘祖恒)房丽丽/洪国粦厦门大学附属第一医院(房丽丽)/厦门大学附属第一医院(洪国粦)2021 Oct 18;8:732099
Clinical utility of [Ga-68]Ga-labeled fibroblast activation protein inhibitor (FAPI) positron emission tomography/computed tomography for primary staging and recurrence detection in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGINGSCI1医学赵亮/逄一臻,郑华厦门大学附属第一医院(赵亮)/厦门大学附属第一医院(逄一臻)/厦门大学附属第一医院(郑华)吴三纲/林勤/陈皓鋆厦门大学附属第一医院(吴三纲)/厦门大学附属第一医院(林勤)/厦门大学附属第一医院(陈皓鋆)2021 Oct;48(11):3606-3617.
Connectivity Mapping Identifies BI-2536 as a Potential Drug to Treat Diabetic Kidney Disease.DiabetesSCI1医学张璐Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY(张璐)HeJohn CijiangIcahn Sch Med Mt SinaiHeJohn Cijiang2021 Feb;70(2):589-602
Correspondence on ‘Interleukin 6 receptor inhibition in primary Sjögren syndrome: a multicentre double-blind randomised placebocontrolled trial’Annals of the Rheumatic DiseasesSCI1医学王斌/Shiju Chen/Jingxiu Xuan厦门大学附属第一医院(王斌)/厦门大学附属第一医院(Shiju Chen/厦门大学附属第一医院(Jingxiu Xuan刘源/石桂秀厦门大学附属第一医院(刘源)/厦门大学附属第一医院(石桂秀)2021 Jan 27;annrheumdis-2020-219666
Dysmyelination by Oligodendrocyte-Specific Ablation of Ninj2 Contributes to Depressive-Like BehaviorsADVANCED SCIENCESCI1工程技术孙玉霞厦门大学生科院(孙玉霞)刘长勤/陈颖厦门大学附属第一医院(刘长勤)/厦门大学生科院(陈颖)2022 Jan;9(3):e2103065
FAP-targeted radionuclide therapy with [ 177 Lu]Lu-FAPI-46 in metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinomaEuropean Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular ImagingSCI1医学富凯丽/逄一臻嘉兴大学(富凯丽)/厦门大学附属第一医院(逄一臻)林勤/陈皓鋆厦门大学附属第一医院(林勤)/厦门大学附属第一医院(陈皓鋆)2022 Apr;49(5):1767-1769.
Highly Reproducible and Sensitive Electrochemiluminescence Biosensors for HPV Detection Based on Bovine Serum Albumin Carrier Platforms and Hyperbranched Rolling Circle AmplificationACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACESSCI1工程技术何颖豪/刘银环厦门大学附属第一医院(何颖豪)/厦门大学附属福州第二医院(刘银环)王焱/林振宇/洪国粦厦门大学附属心血管医院(王焱)/福州大学(林振宇)/厦门大学附属第一医院(洪国粦)2021 Jan 13;13(1):298-305
Increased [ 68 Ga]Ga-FAPI uptake in focal nodular hyperplasia in a patient with sigmoid colon cancerEuropean Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular ImagingSCI1医学商齐航/付莉厦门大学附属第一医院(商齐航)/厦门大学附属第一医院(付莉)陈皓鋆厦门大学附属第一医院(陈皓鋆)2021 Dec;49(1):415-416.
Injectable silk/hydroxyapatite nanocomposite hydrogels with vascularization capacity for bone regenerationJournal of Materials Science & TechnologySCI1工程技术Keke Wang/成伟男,Zhaozhao Ding Soochow University/厦门大学附属第一医院(成伟男)/厦门大学附属第一医院(Zhaozhao DingQiang LuJiangnan Univ, Dept Burns & Plast Surg, Affiliated Hosp, Wuxi 214041, Jiangsu, Peoples R ChinaQiang Lu2021 Feb 10;63:172-181
LINC01140 promotes the progression and tumor immune escape in lung cancer by sponging multiple microRNAsJournal for ImmunoTherapy of CancerSCI1医学夏荣木/耿国军/于修义/许中厦门大学附属第一医院(夏荣木)/厦门大学附属第一医院(耿国军)/厦门大学附属第一医院(于修义)/厦门大学附属第一医院(许中)戴晓芳/骆启聪/姜杰/米彦军华中科技大学同济医YAXIN SPORTS附属协和医院(戴晓芳)/厦门大学附属第一医院(骆启聪)/厦门大学附属第一医院(姜杰)/厦门大学附属第一医院(米彦军)2021 Aug;9(8):e002746
Mn3+-rich oxide/persistent luminescence nanoparticles achieve light-free generation of singlet oxygen and hydroxyl radicals for responsive imaging and tumor treatmentTHERANOSTICSSCI1医学丁丹丹厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(丁丹丹)李夷民/陈小元/陈洪敏厦门大学附属第一医院(李夷民)/新加坡国立大学纳米医学中心(陈小元)/Xiamen Univ, Sch Publ Hlth, State Key Lab Mol Vaccinol & Mol Diagnost, Xiamen 361102, Peoples R China(陈洪敏)2021 May 25;11(15):7439-7449
Nerve Guidance Conduits with Hierarchical Anisotropic Architecture for Peripheral Nerve RegenerationAdvanced Healthcare MaterialsSCI1工程技术Lu, QingqingZhang, Feng;成伟男苏州大学Lu, Qiang苏州大学2021 Jul;10(14):e2100427.
Role of [Ga]Ga-DOTA-FAPI-04 PET/CT in the evaluation of peritoneal carcinomatosis and comparison with [F]-FDG PET/CT.EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGINGSCI1医学赵亮/逄一臻,罗作明厦门大学附属第一医院林勤;陈皓鋆厦门大学附属第一医院2021 Jun;48(6):1944-1955.
Self-targeting nanotherapy based on functionalized graphene oxide for synergistic thermochemotherapyJournal of Colloid and Interface ScienceSCI1化学史道厦门大学范仲雄;谢黎崖;Dongtao GeZhenqing Hou厦门大学(范仲雄;Dongtao GeZhenqing Hou)厦门大学附属第一医院(谢黎崖)2021 Dec;603:70-84.
Stimulus-Responsive Microfluidic Interface Enables Efficient Enrichment and Cytogenetic Profiling of Circulating Myeloma CellsACS Applied Materials & InterfacesSCI1工程技术刘艺龙;苏蕊;宋娟厦门大学(刘艺龙)/厦门大学附属第一医院(苏蕊)/厦门大学(宋娟)张惠敏;徐秀琴;杨朝勇厦门大学(张惠敏)/厦门大学生科院(徐秀琴)/厦门大学(杨朝勇)2021 Apr 7;13(13):14920-14927.
The Mediator subunit MED20 organizes the early adipogenic complex to promote development of adipose tissues and diet-induced obesityCell ReportsSCI1生物唐文帅/翁丽,王旭,刘长勤厦门大学生科院(唐文帅)/复旦大学(翁丽)/复旦大学和Shanghai Qi Zhi Inst(王旭)/厦门大学附属第一医院(刘长勤)赵同金复旦大学和Shanghai Qi Zhi Inst2021 Jul 6;36(1):109314.
Xanthoma Disseminatum Mimicking Peritoneal Carcinomatosis from Hilar CholangiocarcinomaRadiologySCI1医学赵亮亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站陈皓鋆厦门大学附属第一医院 2021 Dec;301(3):547.
X-ray-Activated Simultaneous Near-Infrared and Short-Wave Infrared Persistent Luminescence Imaging for Long-Term Tracking of Drug DeliveryACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACESSCI1工程技术丁丹丹亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站孙文静/李夷民,陈洪敏亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站2021 Apr 14;13(14):16166-16172.
ZEB1 enhances Warburg effect to facilitate tumorigenesis and metastasis of HCC by transcriptionally activating PFKMTheranosticsSCI1医学周彦明/林福荣/万涛/陈艾厦门大学附属第一医院(周彦明)/厦门大学生科院(林福荣)/厦门大学附属第一医院(万涛)/厦门大学生科院(陈艾)李勤喜厦门大学生科院2021 Apr 3;11(12):5926-5938.
Clinical features and outcomes of 1845 patients with follicular lymphoma: a real-world multicenter experience in ChinaJOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY & ONCOLOGYSCI1医学查洁;Fan, Liyuan Yi, ShuhuaYu, HaifengZheng, ZhongXu, Wei;邓漫漫厦门大学附属第一医院(查洁;Fan, Liyuan /Chinese Acad Med Sci & Peking Union Med Coll, Natl Clin Res Ctr Blood Dis, State Key Lab Expt Hematol, Blood Dis Hosp(Yi, Shuhua)/Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Zhejiang Canc Hosp(Yu, Haifeng)/Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ(Zheng, Zhong)/Nanjing Med Univ(Xu, Wei)/厦门大学附属第一医院(邓漫漫)Li, ZhimingSong, Yuqin;徐兵Sun Yat Sen UnivLi, Zhiming/Peking Univ(Song, Yuqin)/厦门大学附属第一医院(徐兵) 2021 Aug 23;14(1):131.
A Lipid Droplets-specific Probe for Rapidly Locating Atherosclerotic Plaque and Intraoperative Imaging via In-Situ SprayingACS Applied Materials & InterfacesSCI1工程技术桑芒芒厦门大学附属心血管病医院Yan Wang Xiu Yu Jinrong Zheng厦门大学附属心血管病医院(Wang, Yan)/Southern Univ Sci & Technol, Shenzhen Peoples Hosp(Yu, Xiu)/厦门大学附属心血管病医院(郑锦荣)2021 Dec 15;13(49):58369-58381.
Yb3+ , Er3+  Codoped Oxide Upconversion Nanoparticles Enhanced the Enzymelike Catalytic Activity and Antioxidative Activity for Parkinson’s Disease TreatmentACS Applied Materials&InterfacesSCI1工程技术李月梅厦门大学附属心血管病医院李月梅厦门大学附属心血管病医院2021 Mar 31;13(12):13968-13977.
Effectiveness of an ocular adhesive polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane hybrid thermo-responsive FK506 hydrogel in a murine model of dry eyeBIOACTIVE MATERIALSSCI1工程技术Han, Yi/Jiang, Lu/Shi, Huihu/Xu, Chenfang厦门大学眼科研究所(Han,Yi)/ASTARInst Mat Res &Engn,Singapore(Jiang,Lu)/中国科YAXIN SPORTS大学(Shi,Huihu)/厦门大学福建省药物新靶点研究重点实验室(Xu,Chengfang)吴云龙/李志标/李程厦门大学福建省药物新靶点研究重点实验室(吴云龙)/ASTARInst Mat Res &Engn,Singapore(李志标)/厦门大学眼科研究所(李程)2022 Mar;9:77-91
Tumor microenvironment-triggered MoS2@GA-Fe nanoreactor: A self-rolling enhanced chemodynamic therapy and hydrogen sulfide treatment for hepatocellular carcinomaCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNALSCI1工程技术 郑辉利/马保新/石业思厦门大学附属中山医院(郑辉利)/厦门大学附属中山医院(马保新)/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(石业思)楚成超/王效民/刘刚厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(楚成超)/厦门大学附属中山医院(王效民)/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(刘刚)2021,2;406:126888:1-9
Microbial Community Heterogeneity Within Colorectal Neoplasia and its Correlation With Colorectal CarcinogenesisGASTROENTEROLOGYSCI1医学Liu weixin/张翔/许鸿志/Shengmian Li/Harry Cheuk-Hay Lau香港中文大学(Liu weixin)/香港中文大学(张翔)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(许鸿志)/河北医科大学(Shengmian Li)/香港中文大学(Harry Cheuk-Hay Lau)于君香港中文大学2021 jun;160(7):2395-2408
Biomimetic nanoparticles blocking autophagy for enhanced chemotherapy and metastasis inhibition via reversing focal adhesion disassemblyJournal of NanobiotechnologySCI1工程技术石业思/Gan Lin/郑辉利厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(石业思)/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Gan Lin/厦门大学附属中山医院(郑辉利)刘超/Zhongning Lin/刘刚厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(刘超)/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Zhongning Lin/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(刘刚)2021 Dec 24;19(1):447
Organic Sonosensitizers for Sonodynamic Therapy: From Small Molecules and Nanoparticles toward Clinical DevelopmentSMALLSCI1工程技术Dong Li, Yang Yang厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Dong Li)/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Yang Yang)Chu ChengchaoGang Liu厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Chu Chengchao)/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Gang Liu)2021 Oct;17(42):e2101976
Metal-organic nanostructure based on TixOy/Ruthenium reaction Units: For CT/MR Imaging-Guided X-ray induced dynamic therapyCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNALSCI1工程技术Dongsheng Li, Qixuan Dai, Hu Chen厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTSWei Li, Gang Liu, Chengchao Chu亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Wei Li)/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Gang Liu)/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Chengchao Chu)2021 Aug;417:129262
RGD functionalised melanin nanoparticles for intraoperative photoacoustic imaging guided breast cancer surgeryEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGINGSCI1医学JingJing LiuZun Wang亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(JingJing Liu/汕头大学(Zun WangMin ChenZhang GuoJun厦门大学附属翔安医院(Min Chen/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Zhang GuoJun2022 Feb;49(3):847-860
Histone demethylase JMJD2D promotes the self-renewal of liver cancer stem-like cells by enhancing EpCAM and Sox9 expression.The Journal of biological chemistrySCI2生物Yuan Deng/Ming Li厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(Yuan Deng/厦门大学附属翔安医院(Ming Li李文岗/俞春东亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(李文岗)/厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(Yu, Chundong2021 Jan-Jun;296:100121
Deregulation of Exo70 Facilitates Innate and Acquired Cisplatin
Resistance in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer by Promoting
Cisplatin Efflux
cancersSCI2医学赵玉洁/洪晓婷厦门大学附属中山医院(赵玉洁)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(洪晓婷)肖莉/胡天惠厦门大学附属中山医院(肖莉)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(胡天惠)2021 Jul 11;13(14):3467
K48-Linked Ubiquitination Contributes to Nicotine-Augmented Bone Marrow-Derived Dendritic-Cell-Mediated Adaptive ImmunityVACCINESSCI2医学Chun Fang Hu/Xiao Yan Liao亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Chun Fang Hu)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Xiao Yan Liao)高丰光亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(高丰光) 2021 Mar 19;9(3):278
PLCγ1 inhibition-driven autophagy of IL-1β-treated chondrocyte confers cartilage protection against osteoarthritis, involving AMPK, Erk and AktJOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINESCI2医学Xiaolei Chen/ Yue Wang厦门大学中山医院(Xiaolei Chen)/厦门大学中山医院( Yue Wang)张兵/夏春亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(张兵)/厦门大学附属中山医院(夏春)2021 Feb;25(3):1531-1545
Periostin deficiency reduces diethylnitrosamine-induced liver cancer in mice by decreasing hepatic stellate cell activation and cancer cell proliferationJOURNAL OF PATHOLOGYSCI2医学Hongjun Xiao / Yezhen Zhang 厦门大学生科院(Hongjun Xiao / Yezhen Zhang 陈大芬/刘迎福/欧阳高亮上海交通大学(陈大芬)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(刘迎福)/厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(欧阳高亮)2021 Oct;255(2):212-223
Different Expressions of HIF-1α and Metabolism in Brain and Major Visceral Organs of Acute Hypoxic MiceINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCESSCI2生物徐璐亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(徐璐)李善花/林东海/张家兴厦门大学药YAXIN SPORTS(李善花)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(林东海)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(张家兴)2021 Jun 23;22(13):6705
Reticulocalbin 1 is required for proliferation and migration of non-small cell lung cancer cells regulated by osteoblast-conditioned mediumJOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINESCI2医学Haijing Fu/Rui Chen/ Yue Wang亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Haijing Fu/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Rui Chen/厦门大学附属中山医院(Yue Wang夏春/张兵厦门大学中山医院(夏春)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(张兵)2021 Dec;25(24):11198-11211
Survival Outcomes and Treatment Decision by Human Papillomavirus Status Among Patients With Stage IVC Head and Neck Squamous Cell CarcinomaFRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGYSCI2医学Ping Zhou/Yi-Feng Yu厦门大学附属第一医院(Ping Zhou/ 厦门大学第一附属医院(Yi-Feng Yu卓仁恭/吴三纲亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(卓仁恭)/厦门大学附属第一医院(吴三纲)2021 May 31;11:668066
HnRNPA2B1 promotes the proliferation of breast cancer MCF-7 cells via the STAT3 pathwayJOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRYSCI2生物Li-Bin Gao厦门大学生科院(Li-Bin Gao石松林亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(石松林)2021 Apr;122(3-4):472-484
Perfluorooctane sulfonate affects mouse oocyte maturation in vitro by promoting oxidative stress and apoptosis induced bymitochondrial dysfunctionECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETYSCI2环境科学与生态学 韦康那/王新洁厦门大学翔安医院( 韦康那)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(王新洁)李威/王海龙厦门大学翔安医院(李威)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(王海龙)2021 Dec 1;225:112807
New-generation photosensitizer-anchored gold nanorods for a single near-infrared light-triggered targeted photodynamic-photothermal therapyDrug DeliverySCI2医学刘宗俊麟/谢芳/谢均亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(刘宗俊麟)/厦门大学第一附属医院(谢芳)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(谢均)林勤/罗芳洪/颜江华厦门大学附属第一医院(林勤) /亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(颜江华/罗芳洪)2021 Dec;28(1):1769-1784
N2E4, a Monoclonal Antibody Targeting Neuropilin-2, Inhibits Tumor Growth and Metastasis in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma via Suppressing FAK-Erk-HIF-1α Signaling.Frontiers in OncologySCI2医学王丽/王蓝蓝亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(王丽)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(王蓝蓝)吴婷/罗芳洪/颜江华亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(吴婷/罗芳洪/颜江华)2021 Jul 15;11:657008
USP39 attenuates the antitumor activity of cisplatin on colon cancer cells dependent on p53.Cell biology and toxicologySCI2医学Jiahui Yuan 厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(Jiahui Yuan宋刚厦门大学抗癌中心(宋刚)2021 Nov 25
Loganin Inhibits Angiotensin II-Induced Cardiac Hypertrophy Through the JAK2/STAT3 and NF-kappa B Signaling PathwaysFRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGYSCI2医学Jia-jia Xu/Run-jing Li厦门大学第一附属医院(Jia-jia Xu/厦门大学第一附属医院(Run-jing Li宋刚/黄峥嵘厦门大学抗癌研究中心(宋刚)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站附属第一医院(黄峥嵘)2021 Jun 14;12:678886
AKR1B10 negatively regulates autophagy through reducing GAPDH upon glucose starvation in colon cancerJournal of Cell ScienceSCI2生物Wanyun Li/Cong Liu/Zilan Huang/Lei Shi亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站肿瘤研究中心(Wanyun Li/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站肿瘤研究中心(Cong Liu/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站肿瘤研究中心(Zilan Huang/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站肿瘤研究中心(Lei Shi罗芳洪/颜江华/吴婷亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(罗芳洪/颜江华/吴婷)2021 Apr 15;134(8):jcs255273
miR-539 activates the SAPK/JNK signaling pathway to promote ferropotosis in colorectal cancer by directly targeting TIPECELL DEATH DISCOVERYSCI2医学杨炎/林泽央亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(杨炎)/厦门大学附属中山医院(林泽央)刘忠臣/洪雪辉/彭志海/庄国洪同济大学(刘忠臣)/厦门大学附属中山医院(洪雪辉)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(彭志海/庄国洪)2021 Oct 2;7(1):272
TIPE Regulates DcR3 Expression and Function by Activating the PI3K/AKT Signaling Pathway in CRCFRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGYSCI2医学钟梦雅/邱兴峰亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站抗癌中心(钟梦雅)/厦门大学中山医院(邱兴峰)刘忠臣/苗佳音/庄国洪同济大学(刘忠臣)/厦门大学附属中山医院(苗佳音)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(庄国洪) 2021 Feb 24;10:623048
Impaired AGO2/miR-185-3p/NRP1 axis promotes colorectal cancer metastasisCELL DEATH & DISEASESCI2生物Xisheng Liu/Xiaole Meng/Xiao Peng/Qianlan Yao上海交通大学医YAXIN SPORTS附属上海总医院(Xisheng Liu/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Xiaole Meng/美国宾夕法尼亚州费城天普大学(Xiao Peng/复旦大学上海肿瘤中心(Qianlan Yao唐华美/李斌/彭志海厦门大学附属翔安医院(唐华美)/上海交通大学医YAXIN SPORTS(李斌)/厦门大学附属翔安医院(彭志海)2021 Apr 12;12(4):390
Berberine Prolongs Mouse Heart Allograft Survival by Activating T Cell Apoptosis via the Mitochondrial PathwayFRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGYSCI2医学Yunhan Ma/Guoliang Yan/Junjun Guo厦门大学器官移植研究所(Yunhan Ma/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Guoliang Yan/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Junjun Guo代贺龙/齐忠权/庄国洪福建省器官与组织再生重点实验室(代贺龙)/广西大学(齐忠权)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(庄国洪)2021 Feb 25;12:616074
Current research status of TNFAIP8 in tumours and other inflammatory conditions (Review)INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGYSCI2医学华建宇亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(华建宇)庄国洪/齐忠权亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(庄国洪)/广西大学(齐忠权)2021 Jul;59(1):46
Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells-2 (TREM2) Interacts With Colony-Stimulating Factor 1 Receptor (CSF1R) but Is Not Necessary for CSF1/CSF1R-Mediated Microglial SurvivalFRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGYSCI2医学程宝映/李鑫/戴凯亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(程宝映)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(李鑫)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(戴凯)张云武/郑红花亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(张云武)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(郑红花)2021 Mar 25;12:633796
Proteolytic Shedding of Human Colony-Stimulating Factor 1 Receptor and its implicationJOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINESCI2医学 魏玥/马蒙慧/林晟亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站( 魏玥)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站( 马蒙慧)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站( 林晟)郑红花亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(郑红花)2021 May;25(9):4516-4521
Profiling of Sexually Dimorphic Genes in Neural Cells to Identify Eif2s3y, Whose Overexpression Causes Autism-Like Behaviors in Male MiceFRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGYSCI2生物 张慕娴亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站( 张慕娴)张云武亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(张云武)2021 Jul 6;9:669798
4,4 '-Dimethoxychalcone regulates redox homeostasis by targeting riboflavin metabolism in Parkinson's disease therapyFREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINESCI2医学Junwei Gong/ Wenlong Zhang/Liuyan Ding广州医科大学神经科学研究所(Junwei Gong/广州医科大学第一附属医院(Wenlong Zhang/广州医科大学第一附属医院(Liuyan DingZhang, Yunlong广州医科大学(Zhang, Yunlong2021 Oct;174:40-56
Identification of the minimal active soluble TREM2 sequence for modulating microglial phenotypes and amyloid pathology.Journal of NeuroinflammationSCI2医学盛璇/姚蕴玲亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(盛璇)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(姚蕴玲)钟力/陈小芬亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(钟力/陈小芬)2021 Dec 10;18(1):286
Insights Into the Role of CSF1R in the Central Nervous System and Neurological DisordersFRONTIERS IN AGING NEUROSCIENCESCI2医学Banglian Hu /Shengshun Duan/Ziwei Wang亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Banglian Hu /亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Shengshun Duan/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Ziwei Wang张云武/许华曦/郑红花亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(张云武)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(许华曦)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(郑红花)2021 Nov 15;13:789834
Single-cell transcriptome analysis reveals defective decidua
stromal niche attributes to recurrent spontaneous abortion
CELL PROLIFERATIONSCI2生物杜丽丽/邓文波/曾珊珊广医三院(杜丽丽)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(邓文波)/广医三院(曾珊珊)陈兢思/王海滨/陈敦金广医三院(陈兢思)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(王海滨)/广医三院(陈敦金)2021 Nov;54(11):e13125
Sequential activation of uterine epithelial IGF1R by stromal IGF1 and embryonic IGF2 directs normal uterine preparation for embryo implantation.Journal of molecular cell biologySCI2生物 周婵中国农业大学( 周婵)王海滨/王超/孔双博亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(王海滨)/中国农业大学(王超)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(孔双博)2021 Dec 6;13(9):646-661
Uterine Notch2 facilitates pregnancy recognition and corpus luteum maintenance via upregulating decidual Prl8a2PLOS GENETICSSCI2生物鲍海丽中科院动物所(鲍海丽)陈敦金/ 王海滨/孔双博广医三院(陈敦金)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站 (王海滨)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(孔双博) 2021 Aug 30;17(8):e1009786
Rbm24 regulates inner-ear-specific alternative splicing and is essential for maintaining auditory and motor coordination.RNA biologySCI2生物longqing zheng亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(longqing zheng徐秀琴亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(徐秀琴)2021 Apr;18(4):468-480
LHPP-Mediated Histidine Dephosphorylation Suppresses the Self-Renewal of Mouse Embryonic Stem CellsFRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGYSCI2生物夏荣木亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(夏荣木)徐秀琴亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(徐秀琴)2021 Mar 16;9:638815
The phototherapy toward corneal neovascularization elimination: An efficient, selective and safe strategyCHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERSSCI2化学于静雯/楚成超亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(于静雯)/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(楚成超)刘刚/李炜厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(刘刚)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(李炜)2021 JAN
Comprehensive strategy improves the genetic diagnosis of different polycystic kidney diseasesJOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINESCI2医学胡华莹亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站附属翔安医院(胡华莹)郭庆/杨凯/刘祖国河北省妇产医院(郭庆)/首都妇产科医院(杨凯)/厦门大学附属翔安医院(刘祖国) 2021 May 25;25(13):6318-6332
Ferroptosis drives photoreceptor degeneration in mice with defects in all-trans-retinal clearanceJournal of Biological Chemistry SCI2生物陈超亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(陈超)吴亚林亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(吴亚林)2021 Jan-Jun;296:100187
Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) reduces postoperative adhesions after experimental strabismus surgery in rabbits by suppressing canonical and non-canonical TGFβ signaling through PPARαBiochemical PharmacologySCI2医学李宜恬厦门大学眼科中心(李宜恬)邱彦/修阳晖厦门大学眼科研究所(邱彦)/厦门大学附属眼科中心(修阳晖) 2021 Feb;184:114398
Flexible polymeric nanosized micelles for ophthalmic drug delivery: research progress in the last three yearsNANOSCALE ADVANCESSCI2工程技术Zhiguo Li厦门大学药YAXIN SPORTS(Zhiguo Li吴彩胜/李程/李子彪/吴云龙
厦门大学药YAXIN SPORTS(吴彩胜)/厦门大学眼科研究所(李程)/新加坡国立大学材料科学和工程系(李子彪)/厦门大学药YAXIN SPORTS(吴云龙)2021 AUG
Phenotypic and transcriptomic changes in the corneal epithelium  following exposure to cigarette smokeENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTIONSCI2环境科学与生态学金梦怡亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站眼科研究所(金梦怡)李程亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(李程)2021 Oct 15;287:117540
Novel Cell Culture Paradigm Prolongs Mouse Corneal Epithelial Cell Proliferative Activity in vitro and in vivoFRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGYSCI2生物安晓雅亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站眼科研究所(安晓雅)李程/薛玉花厦门大学眼科研究所(李程/薛玉花) 2021 Jun 30;9:675998
Convenient hyaluronidase biosensors based on the target-trigger enhancing of the permeability of a membrane using an electronic balance as a readoutANALYSTSCI2化学董诺/蔡晴厦门大学眼科研究所江苏大学附属人民医院、镇江康复眼医院(董诺)/厦门大学眼科研究所(蔡晴)董诺/李程/林振宇厦门大学眼科研究所(董诺)/厦门大学眼科研究所(李程)/福州大学食品安全检测分析重点实验室(林振宇)2021 May 17;146(10):3299-3304
Quantitative gold nanorods based photothermal biosensor for glucose using a thermometer as readoutTALANTASCI2化学Yingzhou Tao/Fang Luo亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站眼科研究所附属厦门眼科中心(Yingzhou Tao)/福州大学化学YAXIN SPORTS(Fang Luo)董诺/李程/林振宇厦门大学眼科研究所(董诺)/厦门大学眼科研究所(李程)/福州大学食品安全检测分析重点实验室(林振宇)2021 Aug 1;230:122364
The Ciji-Hua'ai-Baosheng II Formula Attenuates Chemotherapy-Induced Anorexia in Mice With H-22 Hepatocellular CarcinomaFRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGYSCI2医学翟向阳/王亚男亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(翟向阳)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(王亚男)赵育芳/钱林超/王彦晖亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(赵育芳/钱林超/王彦晖)2021 Aug 19;12:715824
Interaction Between Chinese Medicine and Warfarin: Clinical and Research UpdateFRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGYSCI2医学庄伟/刘绍礼首都医科大学宣武医院(庄伟)/Department of Pharmacy, Haiyang People’s Hospital(刘绍礼)Chu, Yanqi/奚胜艳Capital Med UnivChu, Yanqi/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(奚胜艳) 2021 Sep 20;12:751107
The Protective Effects of Zornia diphylla (L.) Pers. Against Acute Liver Injury Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in MiceFRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGYSCI2医学谢素治/翟向阳/奚胜艳厦门海沧医院(谢素治)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(翟向阳)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(奚胜艳)王政厦门大学附属中山医院(王政)2021 Nov 24;12:764282
Study on the anti-infection ability of vancomycin cationic liposome combined with polylactide fracture internal fixatorInternational Journal of Biological MacromoleculesSCI2化学Weibin Cai/Jiandong Liu/Liling Zheng厦门大学附属东南医院(Weibin Cai/厦门大学附属东南医院(Jiandong Liu/福建医科大学附属泉州第一医院(Liling Zheng易云峰/Zhang, Yanmei厦门大学附属东南医院(易云峰)/汕头大学(Zhang, Yanmei2021 Jan 15;167:834-844
Combination of optimized tissue engineering bone implantation with heel-strike like mechanical loading to repair segmental bone defect in New Zealand rabbitsCell and Tissue Research SCI2生物Cong Zhu/ Jianbiao Lin厦门大学附属东南医院(Cong Zhu/ Jianbiao Lin黄国锋/丁真奇厦门大学附属东南医院(黄国锋/丁真奇)2021 Sep;385(3):639-658
Application of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease: A Histogram AnalysisFront Aging NeurosciSCI2医学石大发厦门大学附属翔安医院(石大发)Ren ke(任克)厦门大学附属翔安医院(任克)2021 May 11;13:624731
Neuroprotective and Angiogenesis Effects of Levetiracetam Following Ischemic Stroke in Rats.FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGYSCI2医学Xiang Yao/Wenping Yang厦门大学附属翔安医院(Xiang Yao)/南京医科大学第一附属医院(Wenping Yang)Ren ke(任克)厦门大学附属翔安医院(任克)2021 May 14;12:638209
Precision Interventional Brachytherapy: A Promising Strategy Toward Treatment of Malignant TumorsFRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGYSCI2医学Pan He /Siwen Guan厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS分子影像中心(Pan He) /厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS分子影像中心(Siwen Guan)Li, Bo/Li, Jingdong/Mao, Jingsong/Liu, Gang南方医科大学(Li, Bo/North Sichuan Medical UniversityLi, Jingdong/厦门大学分子影像中心(Mao, Jingsong/Liu, Gang2021 Oct 8;11:753286
miR-539 activates the SAPK/JNK signaling pathway to promate ferropotosis in colorectal cancer by directly targeting TIPE.Cell Death DiscoverySCI2医学Yan Yang/Zeyang Lin亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站器官移植研究所(Yan Yang)/厦门大学附属中山医院(Zeyang Lin)Zhongchen Liu*, Xuehui Hong*, Zhihai Peng* and Guohong Zhuang*同济大学(Zhongchen Liu*/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Xuehui Hong*, Zhihai Peng* and Guohong Zhuang* 2021 Oct 2;7(1):272
Perfluorooctane sulfonate affects mouse oocyte maturation in vitro by
promoting oxidative stress and apoptosis induced
bymitochondrial dysfunction
Ecotoxicology and Environmental SafetySCI2环境科学与生态学Kang-Na Wei /Xin-Jie Wang亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站附属翔安医院(Kang-Na Wei /亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Xin-Jie WangLi, Wei/Wang, Hai-Long厦门大学附属翔安医院妇产科(Li, Wei/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Wang, Hai-Long2021 Dec 1;225:112807
Accurate Identificationand Early Diagnosisof Osteosarcoma Through CRISPR-Cas12a Based Average Telomerase Activity DetectionACS Synthetic BiologySCI2生物Wei Guojun亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站附属翔安医院(Wei GuojunAn Gang(安刚)哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院(安刚)2021 Sep 17;10(9):2409-2416
Relative transmissibility of shigellosis among different age groups: A modeling study in Hubei Province, ChinaPLoS Neglected Tropical DiseasesSCI2医学Zeyu Zhao/Qi Chen/Yao Wang/ Meijie Chu厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Zeyu Zhao/Hubei Provincial Center for
Disease Control and Prevention, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China
Qi Chen/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Yao Wang/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS Meijie Chu
Su, Yanhua;赵斌;Chen, Tianmu厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Su, Yanhua/厦门大学附属翔安医院(赵斌)/厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Chen, Tianmu 2021 Jun 10;15(6):e0009501
18F-Labelled pyrrolopyrimidines reveal brain leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 expression implicated in Parkinson’s diseaseEuropean Journal of Medicinal ChemistrySCI2医学Xueyuan Chen/Qiuyang Zhang厦门大学公共卫生YAXIN SPORTS(Xueyuan Chen/福建医科大学附属协和医院(Qiuyang ZhangChen, Xiaochun/Xie, Fang/Pan, Xiaodong/Li, Zijing福建医科大学(Chen, Xiaochun/上海复旦大学(Xie, Fang/福建医科大学(Pan, Xiaodong/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Li, Zijing2021 Mar 15;214:113245
Neuroprotective effect of ketamine against TNF-α-induced necroptosis in hippocampal neuronsJOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINESCI2医学Lu Wang亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站附属翔安医院(Lu WangDu, Jiwei/侯立朝厦门大学附属翔安医院(Du, Jiwei/侯立朝)2021 Apr;25(7):3449-3459
Analysis of RNA m6 A methylation regulators and tumour immune cell infiltration characterization in prostate cancerArtificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and BiotechnologySCI2医学Yue Zhao 厦大医YAXIN SPORTS翔安医院(Yue Zhao Chen Shao 厦门大学附属翔安医院(Chen Shao 2021 JAN
Ferroptosis: Biochemistry and Biology in Cancers.FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGYSCI2医学Shi Z厦大医YAXIN SPORTS翔安医院(Shi Z Huimin SunChen Shao 厦门大学附属翔安医院( Huimin Sun/厦门大学附属翔安医院(Chen Shao 2021 Apr 1;11:579286
Identifcation of predictors based on drug
targets highlights accurate treatment
of goserelin in breast and prostate cancer
CELL AND BIOSCIENCESCI2生物Yue Zhao厦大医YAXIN SPORTS翔安医院(Yue ZhaoChen Shao 厦门大学附属翔安医院( Chen Shao/厦门大学附属翔安医院( Zhang, Dongwei2021 Jan 6;11(1):5.
SNAPIN Regulates Cell Cycle Progression to Promote Pancreatic β Cell GrowthFRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGYSCI2医学Mengxue Jiang厦门大学附属翔安医院内分泌科(Mengxue JiangCheng, JidongLiu, WenWei Wang(王威)厦门大学附属翔安医院内分泌科(Cheng, Jidong/Xiamen Univ, Fujian Prov KeyLab Innovat Drug Target Res, Sch Pharmaceut Sci, Xiamen, Peoples R ChinaLiu, Wen/厦门大学附属翔安医院内分泌科(Wei Wang2021 Jun 14;12:624309
TKI-Resistant Renal Cancer Secretes Low-Level Exosomal miR-549a to induce Vascular Permeability and Angiogenesis to Promote tumor metastasisFRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGYSCI2生物Zuodong Xuan/ Shaopei Ye/Huimin Sun亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Zuodong Xuan/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站( Shaopei Ye/厦门大学附属翔安医院(Huimin Sun Huimin SunChen Shao 厦门大学附属翔安医院( Huimin Sun/厦门大学附属翔安医院(Chen Shao 2021 Jul 19;9:726535
18F-FDG and 68Ga-FAPI PET/CT in the Evaluation of Ground-Glass Opacity Nodule.CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINESCI2医学陈皓鋆厦门大学核医学一科(PET中心)(陈皓鋆)陈皓鋆厦门大学核医学一科(PET中心)(陈皓鋆)2021 May 1;46(5):424-426.
68Ga-DOTA-FAPI-04 PET/CT in Erdheim-Chester Disease.Clinical Nuclear MedicineSCI2医学吴思敏厦门大学附属第一医院核医学一科(PET中心)(吴思敏)陈皓鋆厦门大学核医学一科(PET中心)(陈皓鋆)2021 Mar 1;46(3):258-260.
68Ga-FAPI PET/CT in Thyroid Cancer With Thyroglobulin Elevation and Negative Iodine Scintigraphy.CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINESCI2医学付浩厦门大学附属第一医院(付浩)陈皓鋆福建医科大学(陈皓鋆)2021 May 1;46(5):427-430
68Ga-FAPI PET/CT Versus 18F-FDG PET/CT for Detecting Metastatic Lesions in a Case of Radioiodine-Refractory Differentiated Thyroid Cancer.Clinical nuclear medicineSCI2医学付浩厦门大学附属第一医院(付浩)陈皓鋆厦门大学核医学一科(PET中心)(陈皓鋆)2021 Nov 1;46(11):940-942
68Ga-FAPI PET/CT Versus 18F-FDG PET/CT for the Evaluation of Disease Activity in Takayasu Arteritis.Clinical nuclear medicineSCI2医学吴思敏厦门大学附属第一医院(吴思敏)陈皓鋆福建医科大学(陈皓鋆)2021 Oct 1;46(10):847-849.
68Ga-fibroblast activation protein inhibitor PET/CT on gross tumour volume delineation for radiotherapy planning of oesophageal cancerRADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGYSCI2医学赵亮/陈珊宇/陈思嘉 厦门大学附属第一医院(赵亮)/厦门大学附属第一医院(陈珊宇)/厦门大学附属第一医院(陈思嘉 陈皓鋆/林勤厦门大学核医学一科(PET中心)(陈皓鋆)/福建医科大学(林勤)2021 May;158:55-61
68Ga-Fibroblast Activation Protein Inhibitor, a Promising Radiopharmaceutical in PET/CT to Detect the Primary and Metastatic Lesions of Chromophobe Renal Cell CarcinomaCLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINESCI2医学逄一臻厦门大学附属第一医院(逄一臻)陈皓鋆厦门大学核医学一科(PET中心)(陈皓鋆)2021 Feb 1;46(2):177-179
A novel surgical debridement technique for the treatment of Fournier’s gangreneAsian Journal of AndrologySCI2医学陈晓辉厦门大学附属第一医院(陈晓辉)陈晓辉/秦澎湃厦门大学附属第一医院(陈晓辉)/北京肛肠医院急诊部(秦澎湃)2021 Sep-Oct;23(5):541-542
An improved procedure for isolating adult mouse cardiomyocytes for epicardial activation mappingJOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINESCI2医学张紫冠/郑武扬厦门大学附属第一医院(张紫冠)/厦门大学附属第一医院(郑武扬)李卫华/黄峥嵘厦门大学附属第一医院(李卫华)/厦门大学附属第一医院(黄峥嵘)2021 Dec;25(24):11257-11263
ANA-positive primary immune thrombocytopaenia: a different clinical entity with increased risk of connective  tissue diseasesLupus Science & MedicineSCI2医学刘源/陈世菊/ Guomei Yang厦门大学附属第一医院(刘源)/厦门大学附属第一医院(陈世菊)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Guomei Yang石桂秀厦门大学附属第一医院(石桂秀)2021 Oct;8(1):e000523
Association Between Body Mass Index and Intracranial Aneurysm Rupture: A Multicenter Retrospective Studyfrontiers in aging neuroscienceSCI2医学陈四方厦门大学附属第一医院(陈四方)钟平/黄清海厦门大学附属第一医院I期临床中心(钟平)/第二军医大学附属长海医院(黄清海)2021 Aug 16;13:716068
Association Between Dietary Inflammatory Index and Heart Failure: Results From NHANES (1999-2018)Frontiers in cardiovascular medicineSCI2医学刘祖恒/刘海月厦门大学附属第一医院(刘祖恒)/厦门大学附属第一医院(刘海月)李卫华/谢强厦门大学附属第一医院(李卫华)/厦门大学附属第一医院(谢强)2021 Jul 6;8:702489.
Bavachin exerted anti-neuroinflammatory effects by regulation of A20  ubiquitin-editing complexInternational ImmunopharmacologySCI2医学王亚运/杨志平滨州医YAXIN SPORTS(王亚运)/厦门大学附属第一医院(杨志平)王巧云/李志鹏滨州医YAXIN SPORTS(王巧云)/滨州医YAXIN SPORTS(李志鹏)2021 Nov;100:108085
Calcium Alginate Gel Beads Containing Gold Nanobipyramids for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Detection in Aqueous SamplesACS Applied Nano MaterialsSCI2工程技术陈嘉明/杨园园厦门大学附属第一医院(陈嘉明)/厦门大学附属第一医院(杨园园)Xueju Wei/林振宇/洪国粦厦门大学附属第一医院(Xueju Wei/福州大学检验科(林振宇)/厦门大学附属第一医院(洪国粦)2021 SEP
Case Report: A Rare Case of Coexisting of Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome Type 3 and Isolated Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Deficiency.Frontiers in ImmunologySCI2医学蒋秋惠/吴婷福建医科大学(蒋秋惠)/福建医科大学(吴婷)李学军厦门大学附属第一医院(李学军)2021 Sep 14;12:734685.
Chromosome aneuploidy analysis in embryos derived from in vivo and in vitro matured human oocytesJOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINESCI2医学李建华/陈静/Youzhu Li /Ye Xu中国人民解放军总医院第七医学中心(李建华)/厦门大学附属第一医院(陈静)/厦门大学附属第一医院(Youzhu Li /中国人民解放军总医院第七医学中心(Ye Xu千日成/李友筑/徐野同济大学(千日成)/厦门大学附属第一医院(李友筑)/中国人民解放军总医院第七医学中心(徐野)2021 Oct 9;19(1):416.
circ-PTK2 (hsa_circ_0008305) regulates the pathogenic processes of ovarian cancer via miR-639 and FOXC1 regulatory cascadeCancer Cell InternationalSCI2医学吴三纲/周萍,陈坚贤厦门大学附属第一医院(吴三纲)/厦门大学附属第一医院(周萍)/百色市人民医院(陈坚贤)杨立朝/周娟厦门大学药YAXIN SPORTS(杨立朝)/厦门大学附属第一医院(周娟)2021 May 25;21(1):277.
Comparative effectiveness of team-based care with a clinical decision support system versus team-based care alone on cardiovascular risk reduction among patients with diabetes: Rationale and design of the D4C trial.American Heart JournalSCI2医学石秀林/何江/Xuejun Li厦门大学附属第一医院(石秀林)/美国杜兰大学(何江)/厦门大学附属第一医院(Xuejun Li何江/李学军美国杜兰大学(何江)/厦门大学附属第一医院内分泌糖尿病科(李学军)2021 Aug;238:45-58.
Concordance of PD-L1 Status Between Image-Guided Percutaneous Biopsies and Matched Surgical Specimen in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGYSCI2医学赵亮/陈培琼,富凯丽厦门大学附属第一医院(赵亮)/厦门大学附属第一医院(陈培琼)/厦门大学附属第一医院(富凯丽)林勤/陈皓鋆福建医科大学(林勤)/福建医科大学(陈皓鋆)2021 Feb 23;10:551367
Delineation of colorectal cancer ligand-receptor interactions and their roles in the tumor microenvironment and prognosisJOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINESCI2医学林和新/夏璐,连加辨,陈逸南厦门大学附属第一医院(林和新)/厦门大学附属第一医院(夏璐)/厦门大学附属第一医院(连加辨)/厦门大学附属第一医院(陈逸南)官国先福建医科大学附属第一医院结直肠外科(官国先)2021 Dec 7;19(1):497
Dose–response relationship between serum fibroblast growth factor 21 and liver fat content in non-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseDIABETES & METABOLISMSCI2医学肖方森/石秀林厦门大学附属第一医院(肖方森)/厦门大学附属第一医院(石秀林)林明珠/李学军厦门大学附属第一医院(林明珠)/厦门大学附属第一医院(李学军)2021 Nov;47(6):101221.
Early diagnosis and treatment for Sjogren's syndrome: current challenges, redefined disease stages and future prospectsJOURNAL OF AUTOIMMUNITYSCI2医学王斌/陈世菊,郑擎厦门大学附属第一医院(王斌)/厦门大学附属第一医院(陈世菊)/厦门大学附属第一医院(郑擎)石桂秀/刘源厦门大学附属第一医院(石桂秀)/厦门大学附属第一医院(刘源)2021 Nov;47(6):101221.
Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay Platform with Immunoglobulin G-Encapsulated Gold Nanoclusters as “Two-in-One” ProbeAnalytical ChemistrySCI2化学洪国粦/苏灿平/Zhongnan Huang 厦门大学附属第一医院(洪国粦)/福建医科大学(苏灿平)/福建医科大学(Zhongnan Huang陈伟/Huaping Peng福建医科大学(陈伟)/福建医科大学(Huaping Peng2021 Sep 28;93(38):13022-13028
Equipping Natural Killer Cells with Cetuximab through Metabolic Glycoengineering and Bioorthogonal Reaction for Targeted Treatment of KRAS Mutant Colorectal CancerACS Chemical BiologySCI2生物王先武厦门大学材料YAXIN SPORTS(王先武)李柱/叶峰,Xuefei Huang厦门诺康得生物技术有限公司(李柱)/厦门大学附属第一医院(叶峰)/Michigan State UniversityXuefei Huang2021 Apr 16;16(4):724-730.
exploring the Mechanism of PingTang No.5 capsule on Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease through Network Pharmacology and experimental validationBiomedicine & PharmacotherapySCI2医学Tzu-Chieh Hung/赵能江厦门大学附属第一医院(Tzu-Chieh Hung/厦门大学附属第一医院(赵能江)Ji, Zhi-Liang/杨叔禹厦门大学生科院(Ji, Zhi-Liang/厦门大学附属第一医院(杨叔禹)2021 Jun;138:111408.
From the Genetics of Ankylosing Spondylitis to New Biology and Drug Target DiscoveryFrontiers in ImmunologySCI2医学Zaarour Nancy/李燕Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences, University of Oxford, OxfordZaarour Nancy/厦门大学附属第一医院(李燕)Chen LiyeUniv Oxford, Nuffield Dept Orthopaed Rheumatol & Musculoskelet, Oxford, EnglandChen Liye2021 Feb 17;12:624632
Genetic Characteristics and Transcriptional Regulation of Sodium Channel Related Genes in Chinese Patients With Brugada SyndromeFrontiers in Cardiovascular MedicineSCI2医学张紫冠厦门大学附属第一医院(张紫冠)TzungDau Wang/Xin Tu/黄峥嵘Natl Taiwan Univ Hosp, Dept Internal Med, Cardiovasc Ctr, Taipei, TaiwanTzungDau Wang/Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, CardioX Ctr, Key Lab Mol Biophys, Minist Educ,Coll Life Sci & Technol, Wuhan, Peoples R ChinaXin Tu/厦门大学附属第一医院(黄峥嵘)2021 Aug 5;8:714844
G-protein-coupled receptor GPR17 inhibits glioma development by increasing polycomb repressive complex 1-mediated ROS production.Cell Death & DiseaseSCI2生物刘慧青/邢瑞,欧志敏厦门大学生科院(刘慧青)/厦门大学生科院(邢瑞)/厦门大学生科院(欧志敏)韩莹/陈颖厦门大学生科院(韩莹)/厦门大学附属第一医院(陈颖)2021 Jun 12;12(6):610
High Levels of Circulating IL-8 and Soluble IL-2R Are Associated With Prolonged Illness in Patients With Severe COVID-19FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGYSCI2医学马爱平/ 张亮,叶小凯,陈菁厦门大学附属第一医院呼吸内科(马爱平)/德国波斯特研究中心(张亮)/厦门海沧医院呼吸与危重症医学科(叶小凯)/厦门大学附属第一医院重症医学科(陈菁)王占祥/余新华厦门大学附属第一医院(王占祥)/德国波斯特研究中心(余新华)2021 Jan 29;12:626235.
Identification of HIPK3 as a potential biomarker and an inhibitor of clear cell renal cell carcinomaAging-USSCI2医学肖文/王涛华中科技大学(肖文)/厦门大学附属第一医院泌尿外科(王涛)肖文/杨红梅/章小平华中科技大学(肖文)/华中科技大学(杨红梅)/华中科技大学(章小平)2021 Jan 20;13(3):3536-3553
IL-14 alpha as a Putative Biomarker for Stratification of Dry Eye in Primary Sjogren's SyndromeFRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGYSCI2医学梁一晨厦门大学附属第一医院(梁一晨)Long Shen/石桂秀/Jing HeNorthern Jiangsu Peoples Hosp, Dept Oncol, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, Peoples R China(Long Shen)/厦门大学附属第一医院(石桂秀)/北京大学(Jing He2021 May 3;12:673658
Long-Term Survival Among Histological Subtypes in Advanced Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: Population-Based Study Using the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results DatabaseJMIR Public Health and SurveillanceSCI2医学杨时平/苏慧銮,陈秀杯海南省人民医院(杨时平)/海南省人民医院(苏慧銮)/厦门大学附属第一医院(陈秀杯)周娟厦门大学附属第一医院(周娟)2021 Nov 17;7(11):e25976
Modified thoracoabdominal sensory nerves block through subcostal exterior semilunaris approach  (SE-TAP) provide broader analgesia for abdominal surgeryJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ANESTHESIASCI2医学陈琪重庆大学杨斌厦门大学附属第一医院2021 Feb;68:110077.
New Autophagy-Ferroptosis Gene Signature Predicts Survival in GliomaFrontiers in Cell and Developmental BiologySCI2生物周立伟厦门大学附属第一医院王占祥厦门大学附属第一医院2021 Nov 15;9:739097.
Phosphoglycerate Mutase 5 Knockdown Alleviates Neuronal Injury After Traumatic Brain Injury Through Drp1-Mediated Mitochondrial DysfunctionANTIOXIDANTS & REDOX SIGNALINGSCI2生物陈玉华;弓凯西安培华YAXIN SPORTS(陈玉华)/厦门大学附属第一医院(弓凯)王占祥;柳蔚厦门大学附属第一医院(王占祥)/(毕节市第一人民医院(柳蔚)2021 Jan 10;34(2):154-170.
Phospholipase A2 group IIA correlates with circulating high‑density lipoprotein cholesterol and modulates cholesterol efflux possibly through regulation of PPAR‑γ/LXR‑α/ ABCA1 in macrophagesjournal of translational medicineSCI2医学梁玲厦门大学附属第一医院和福建医科大学张维;李卫华厦门大学附属第一医院(张维)/厦门大学附属第一医院和福建医科大学(李卫华)2021 Nov 27;19(1):484.
Prevalence and Antifungal Susceptibility of Candida parapsilosis Species Complex in Eastern China: A 15-Year Retrospective Study by ECIFIGFrontiers in MicrobiologySCI2生物Jian GuoMin ZhangDan QiaoTongji Univ(Jian Guo;Min Zhang)/Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ(Dan Qiao)Lingbing Zeng;徐和平;Wenjuan WuNanchang Univ(Lingbing Zeng)/Xiamen Univ, Dept Lab Med, Affiliated Hosp 1(徐和平)/Tongji Univ(Wenjuan Wu)2021 Mar 4;12:644000.
Rare Metastasis to the Submandibular Gland in Oral Squamous Cell CarcinomaFRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGYSCI2医学Ping ZhouChen, Jing-Xin;周原厦门大学附属第一医院(Ping Zhou/Hainan Med Univ(Chen, Jing-Xin)/厦门大学附属第一医院(周原)Bing Yan;吴三纲厦门大学附属第一医院(Bing Yan;吴三纲)2021 Nov 26;11:728230.
Research Progress on the Relationship between Obesity-Inflammation-Aromatase Axis and Male InfertilityOXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITYSCI2生物刘玉新;林晨福建医科大学医学技术与工程YAXIN SPORTS(刘玉新)/福建医科大学附属第一医院(林晨)李友筑;周辉良;刘奇才厦门大学附属第一医院(李友筑)/福建医科大学附属第一医院(周辉良;刘奇才)2021 Feb 8;2021:6612796.
SRC-3 deficiency protects host from Listeria monocytogenes infection  through increasing ROS production and decreasing lymphocyte apoptosisInternational ImmunopharmacologySCI2医学夏小春厦门医YAXIN SPORTS俞春东;陈文博厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(俞春东)/厦门大学附属第一医院(陈文博)2021 Jul;96:107625.
Staging for Breast Cancer With Internal Mammary Lymph Nodes Metastasis: Utility of Incorporating Biologic FactorsFrontiers in OncologySCI2医学练晨露;张海燕厦门大学附属第一医院(练晨露)/Southern Med Univ, Sixth Peoples Hosp Huizhou(张海燕)陈永雄;吴三纲Xiamen Univ, Eye Inst, Sch Med(陈永雄)/厦门大学附属第一医院(吴三纲)2021 Jan 14;10:584009.
Suppression of Tumorigenicity 5 Ameliorates Tumor Characteristics of Invasive Breast Cancer Cells via ERK/JNK PathwayFrontiers in OncologySCI2医学程江红;李明莉西安医YAXIN SPORTS(程江红)/厦门大学药YAXIN SPORTS(李明莉)苟兴春;陈帅西安医YAXIN SPORTS2021 Jul 28;11:621500.
Survival Outcomes and Treatment Decision by Human Papillomavirus Status Among Patients With Stage IVC Head and Neck Squamous Cell CarcinomaFrontiers in OncologySCI2医学周萍;余一锋厦门大学附属第一医院卓仁恭;吴三纲亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(卓仁恭)/厦门大学附属第一医院(吴三纲)2021 May 31;11:668066.
Targeted Therapy for Primary Sjogren's Syndrome: Where are We Now?BIODRUGSSCI2医学王斌;陈世菊厦门大学附属第一医院刘源;石桂秀厦门大学附属第一医院2021 Nov;35(6):593-610.
The Key Regulator of Necroptosis, RIP1 Kinase, Contributes to the Formation of Astrogliosis and Glial Scar in Ischemic StrokeTranslational Stroke ResearchSCI2医学Yong-Ming Zhu/林梁,Chao Wei苏州大学( Yong-Ming Zhu/厦门大学附属第一医院(林梁)/苏州大学(Chao WeiHui-Ling Zhang苏州大学2021 Dec;12(6):991-1017.
The Role of the Metabolic Parameters of F-18-FDG PET-CT in Patients With Locally Advanced Cervical CancerFrontiers in OncologySCI2医学王敦煌福建医科大学和Chinese Acad Med Sci & Peking Union Med Coll胡克;张福泉北京协和医院2021 Aug 19;11:698744.
Trilobolide-6-O-isobutyrate suppresses hepatocellular carcinoma tumorigenesis through inhibition of IL-6/STAT3 signaling pathwayPhytotherapy ResearchSCI2医学周秀悄;冒小妹海南师范大学(周秀悄)/厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS(冒小妹)陈文豪;王占祥;沈东炎Hainan Normal Univ(陈文豪)/Hainan Normal UnivXiamen Univ, Sch Med, Affiliated Hosp 1(王占祥)/Xiamen Univ, Sch Med, Affiliated Hosp 1(沈东炎)2021 Oct;35(10):5741-5753.
Use of 68Ga-FAPI PET/CT for Evaluation of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Before and After Cytoreductive Surgery.CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINESCI2医学赵亮福建医科大学和厦门大学附属第一医院陈皓鋆福建医科大学和厦门大学附属第一医院2021 Jun 1;46(6):491-493.
Widespread Metastatic Gastric Signet-Ring Cell Carcinoma Shown by 68Ga-FAPI PET/CTCLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINESCI2医学范春磊福建医科大学和厦门大学附属第一医院陈皓鋆福建医科大学和厦门大学附属第一医院核医学一科(PET中心)2021 Feb 1;46(2):e78-e79.
Aggressive B-cell Lymphoma with MYC/TP53 Dual Alterations Displays Distinct Clinicopathobiological Features and Response to Novel Targeted AgentsMOLECULAR CANCER RESEARCHSCI2医学邓漫漫Duke Univ, Med Ctr, Div Hematopathol和厦门大学附属第一医院徐兵厦门大学附属第一医院2021 Feb;19(2):249-260.
CS2164 and Venetoclax Show Synergistic Antitumoral Activities in High Grade B-Cell Lymphomas With  and  Rearrangementsfrontiers in oncologySCI2医学袁德琳;Li, Genhong;Yu, Lian厦门大学附属第一医院(袁德琳)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Li, Genhong/福建医科大学(Yu, Lian邓漫漫;方志鸿;徐兵厦门大学附属第一医院2021 Mar 10;11:618908.
Preclinical Evaluation of the HDAC Inhibitor Chidamide in Transformed Follicular LymphomaFRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGYSCI2医学钟梦雅; Jinshui TanGuangchao Pan厦门大学附属第一医院徐兵;查洁厦门大学附属第一医院2021 Dec 3;11:780118.
The CD226-ERK1/2-LAMP1 pathway is an important mechanism for Vγ9Vδ2 T cell cytotoxicity against chemotherapy-resistant acute myeloid leukemia blasts and leukemia stem cells.cancer scienceSCI2医学吴康妮;Wang, Li-mengmeng浙江大学和厦门大学附属第一医院(吴康妮)/浙江大学(Wang, Li-mengmengHuang, He;徐兵;Xiao, Haowen浙江大学(Huang, He/厦门大学附属第一医院(徐兵)/浙江大学(Xiao, Haowen2021 Aug;112(8):3233-3242.
Therapeutic Interaction of Apatinib and Chidamide in T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia through Interference with Mitochondria Associated Biogenesis and Intrinsic ApoptosisJOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINESCI2医学钟梦雅厦门大学附属第一医院徐兵厦门大学附属第一医院2021 Sep 29;11(10):977.
Ubiquitinated Ligation Protein NEDD4L Participates in MiR-30a-5p Attenuated Atherosclerosis by Regulating M1/M2 Macrophage Polarization and Lipid Metabolism.Molecular Therapy - Nucleic AcidsSCI2医学宋菲;李荆州;吴尧Xiamen Cardiovascular Hospital, Xiamen University,Xiamen王焱;李刚厦门大学附属心血管病医院2021 Nov 4;26:1303-1317.
Feasibility and Safety of Left Bundle Branch Pacing for Advance Aged Patients: A Multicenter Comparative Study FRONTIERS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINESCI2医学Zhongyuan Ren Binni Cai  同济大学上海第十人民医院(Zhongyuan Ren/厦门大学附属心血管病医院( Binni Cai  )Xueying Chen ; Dongdong Zhao复旦大学附属中山医院(Xueying Chen)/同济大学上海市第十人民医院(Dongdong Zhao2021 Jul 27;8:661885.
PiRNA pathway in the cardiovascular system: a novel regulator of cardiac differentiation, repair and regenerationJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE-JMMSCI2医学Yuling ZhouXiamen Cardiovascular Hospital, Xiamen UniversityYan WangXiamen Cardiovascular Hospital, Xiamen University2021 Dec;99(12):1681-1690.
Biological Significance of NOTCH Signaling Strengthfrontiers in cell and developmental biology SCI2生物沈畏厦门大学附属心血管病医院沈畏;王焱厦门大学附属心血管病医院2021 Mar 26;9:652273.
Zebrafish Models in Therapeutic Research of Cardiac Conduction DiseaseFrontiers in Cell and Developmental BiologySCI2生物高蕊厦门大学附属心血管病医院任洁厦门大学附属心血管病医院2021 Aug 4;9:731402.
Spotlight on Isl1: A Key Player in Cardiovascular Development and DiseasesFrontiers in Cell and Developmental BiologySCI2生物任洁厦门大学附属心血管病医院高蕊厦门大学附属心血管病医院2021 Nov 25;9:793605.
First-Principles Calculation of Photoelectric Property in Upconversion Materials through In3+ Doping. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELINGSCI2化学李月梅厦门大学附属心血管病医院李月梅厦门大学附属心血管病医院2021 Feb 22;61(2):881-890.
The Important Role of Leptin in Modulating the Risk of Dermatological DiseasesFRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGYSCI2医学苏欣厦门大学附属心血管病医院苏欣/常栋厦门大学附属心血管病医院(苏欣)/厦门大学附属心血管病医院(常栋)2021 Feb 1;11:593564
Phenotypic and transcriptomic changes in the corneal epithelium following exposure to cigarette smokeENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTIONSCI2环境科学与生态学金梦怡亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站李程亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站2021 Oct;287:117540
Novel Cell Culture Paradigm Prolongs Mouse Corneal Epithelial Cell Proliferative Activity in vitro and in vivoFRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGYSCI2生物安小娅亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站Xue, Yuhua/李程亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Xue, Yuhua)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(李程)2021 Jun;9:675998
Quantitative gold nanorods based photothermal biosensor for glucose using a thermometer as readoutTALANTASCI2化学陶盈舟/ Luo,Fang亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(陶盈舟)/福州大学(Luo,Fang)董诺/李程/林振宇亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(董诺)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(李程)/福州大学(林振宇)2021 Aug;230:122364
Human Umbilical Cord-Mesenchymal Stem Cells Survive and Migrate within the Vitreous Cavity and Ameliorate Retinal Damage in a Novel Rat Model of Chronic GlaucomaSTEM CELLS INTERNATIONALSCI2医学汪耀/Lv, Jiexuan厦门大学附属厦门眼科中心(汪耀)/厦门大学附属厦门眼科中心(Lv, Jiexuan)吴仁毅厦门大学附属厦门眼科中心2021 Oct;2021:8852517
Convenient hyaluronidase biosensors based on the target-trigger enhancing of the permeability of a membrane using an electronic balance as a readoutANALYSTSCI2化学董诺/Cai, Qing亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(董诺)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Cai, Qing)董诺/李程/林振宇亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(董诺)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(李程)/福州大学(林振宇)2021 May;146(10):3299-3304
Lentiviral vector-mediated expression of C3 transferase attenuates retinal ischemia and reperfusion injury in ratsLIFE SCIENCESSCI2医学谭俊凯/Liu, Guo/Lan, Chunlin厦门大学附属厦门眼科中心(谭俊凯)/电子科技大学(Liu,Guo)/福建医科大学附属第一医院(Lan,Chunlin)刘旭阳厦门大学附属厦门眼科中心2021 May;272:119269
A missense mutation in Pitx2 leads to early-onset glaucoma via NRF2-YAP1 axisCELL DEATH & DISEASESCI2生物杨烨铭/李晓电子科技大学(杨烨铭)/电子科技大学(李晓)刘旭阳/Chang, Bo/Zhu, Xianjun厦门大学附属厦门眼科中心(刘旭阳)/Jackson Lab,USA(Chang, Bo)/电子科技大学(Zhu, Xianjun2021 Nov; 12(11): 1017
Tumor acidity-responsive carrier-free nanodrugs based on targeting activation via ICG-templated assembly for NIR-II imaging-guided photothermal-chemotherapy (vol 9, pg 1008, 2021)BIOMATERIALS SCIENCESCI2工程技术Xue, Kaihang/魏峰Xiamen Univ, Res Ctr Biomed Engn Xiamen(Xue, Kaihang)/厦门大学附属中山医院(魏峰)Lin, Jinyan/Li, YangXiamen Univ, Res Ctr Biomed Engn Xiamen(Lin, Jinyan)/中国科YAXIN SPORTS(Li, Yang2021 Feb 9;9(3):1008-1019.
Apolipoprotein H drives hepatitis B surface antigen retention and endoplasmic reticulum stress during hepatitis B virus infectionINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY & CELL BIOLOGYSCI2生物刘雅明厦门大学附属中山医院任建林厦门大学附属中山医院2021 Feb;131:105906
A potential role for aspirin in the prevention and treatment of cholangiocarcinomaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCERSCI2医学Shen, XiziUniversity of Queensland沈兴平厦门大学附属中山医院2021 Mar 15;148(6):1323-1330
CORO6 Promotes Cell Growth and Invasion of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma via Activation of WNT SignalingFRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGYSCI2生物王新君厦门大学附属中山医院罗广承厦门大学附属中山医院2021 May 7;9:647301
Development and Validation of a Prognostic Gene Signature in Clear Cell Renal Cell CarcinomaFRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCESSCI2生物Chuanchuan Zhan/王子初绍兴市人民医院(Chuanchuan Zhan)/厦门大学附属中山医院(王子初)白培明厦门大学附属中山医院2021 Apr 8;8:609865
Atorvastatin attenuates intermittent hypoxia-induced myocardial oxidative stress in a mouse obstructive sleep apnea modelAGING-USSCI2医学张孝斌/程慧娟/袁亚婷/陈燕/陈怡园厦门大学附属中山医院(张孝斌)/厦门大学附属中山医院(程慧娟)/厦门大学附属中山医院(袁亚婷)/厦门大学附属中山医院(陈燕)/厦门大学附属中山医院(陈怡园)张孝斌/曾惠清厦门大学附属中山医院(张孝斌)/厦门大学附属中山医院(曾惠清) 2021 Jul 21;13(14):18870-18878
miR-539 activates the SAPK/JNK signaling pathway to promote ferropotosis in colorectal cancer by directly targeting TIPECELL DEATH DISCOVERYSCI2医学Yan Yang/林泽泱亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Yan Yang)/厦门大学附属中山医院(林泽泱)Zhongchen Liu/洪雪辉/Zhihai Peng/Guohong Zhuang同济大学(Zhongchen Liu)/厦门大学附属中山医院(洪雪辉)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Zhihai Peng)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Guohong Zhuang)2021 Oct 2;7(1):272
Beneficial Effects of Gracillin From Rhizoma Paridis Against Gastric Carcinoma via the Potential TIPE2-Mediated Induction of Endogenous Apoptosis and Inhibition of Migration in BGC823 CellsFRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGYSCI2医学刘文明/王燕婷厦门大学附属中山医院(刘文明)/厦门大学附属中山医院(王燕婷)林先童/范燕云厦门市第三医院(林先童)/厦门大学附属中山医院(范燕云)2021,sep;12:669199:1-15
Appendectomy Is Associated With Alteration of Human Gut Bacterial and Fungal CommunitiesFRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGYSCI2生物蔡顺天/范燕云/张帮周厦门大学附属中山医院(蔡顺天)/厦门大学附属中山医院(范燕云)/厦门大学附属中山医院(张帮周)任建林/许鸿志厦门大学附属中山医院(任建林)/厦门大学附属中山医院(许鸿志)2021 Sep 16;12:724980
An Essential NRP1-Mediated Role for Tagln2 in Gastric Cancer AngiogenesisFRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGYSCI2医学金宏伟/郑伟福建医科大学(金宏伟)/厦门大学附属中山医院(郑伟)金宏伟/彭慧芳/卓慧钦福建医科大学(金宏伟)/河南科技大学(彭慧芳)厦门大学附属中山医院(卓慧钦)2021 Jun 4;11:653246
The Protective Effects of Zornia diphylla (L.) Pers. Against Acute Liver Injury Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in MiceFRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGYSCI2医学谢素治/Xiang-yang Zhai/Sheng-Yan Xi厦门市海沧医院(谢素治)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Xiang-yang Zhai)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Sheng-Yan Xi)王政厦门大学附属中山医院2021 Nov 24;12:764282
Targeted Metabolomics Analysis of Bile Acids in Patients with Idiosyncratic Drug-Induced Liver InjuryMETABOLITESSCI2生物谢中阳/张灵剑/陈二妹浙江大学(谢中阳)/浙江大学(张灵剑)/厦门大学附属中山医院(陈二妹)徐小薇/李兰娟浙江大学(徐小薇)/浙江大学(李兰娟)2021 Dec 8;11(12):852
LncRNA-ENST00000421645 promotes T cells to secrete IFN-gamma by sponging PCM-1 in neurosyphilisEPIGENOMICSSCI2医学刘文娜/吴凯璇亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(刘文娜)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(吴凯璇)刘莉莉亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(刘莉莉)2021 Aug;13(15):1187-1203
Circular RNA circHECTD1 prevents Diosbulbin-B-sensitivity via miR-137/PBX3 axis in gastric cancerCANCER CELL INTERNATIONALSCI2医学卢毅卓/李龙亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站()/Xiamen Univ, Sch Pharmaceut Sci(李龙)刘国彦亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站2021 May 17;21(1):264
Synthesis of a reusable composite of graphene and silver nanoparticles for catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol and performance as anti-colorectal carcinomaJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&TSCI2工程技术卢毅卓亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站刘国彦亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站2021 MAY-JUN;12:1832-1843
Inhibition of protein PMP22 enhances etoposide-induced cell apoptosis by p53 signaling pathway in Gastric CancerINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESSCI2生物侯静静/王琳/赵稼宝/卓慧钦厦门大学附属中山医院(侯静静)/厦门大学附属中山医院(王琳)/厦门大学附属中山医院(赵稼宝)/厦门大学附属中山医院(卓慧钦)蔡建春厦门大学附属中山医院2021 Jul 25;17(12):3145-3157
Gut Bacterial Characteristics of Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and the Application PotentialFRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGYSCI2医学阙艳艳/Man Cao/何剑全厦门大学附属中山医院(阙艳艳)/南昌大学(Man Cao/厦门大学附属中山医院(何剑全)Zhangran Chen/Chuanxing Xiao/Kaijian Hou/张帮周厦门大学附属中山医院(Zhangran Chen/福建中医药大学(Chuanxing Xiao)/汕头大学(Kaijian Hou/厦门大学附属中山医院(张帮周)2021 Aug 12;12:722206
Silencing TXNIP ameliorates high uric acid-induced insulin resistance via the IRS2/AKT and Nrf2/HO-1 pathways in macrophagesFree Radical Biology and MedicineSCI2医学Wei Yu Chunjuan Chen, Wanling Zhuang, Wei Wang 亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Wei Yu/汕头大学( Chunjuan Chen/汕头大学(Wanling Zhuang)/亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Wei Wang Jidong Cheng(程继东)亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站2022 Jan;178:42-53
Underweight and obesity are strong predictors of clinical outcomes in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: data from the Smart-phone SpondyloArthritis Management SystemTHERAPEUTIC ADVANCES IN MUSCULOSKELETAL DISEASESCI2医学Lidong Hu,Xiaojian JiChinese Peoples Liberat Army Gen HospLidong Hu/Chinese Peoples Liberat Army Gen Hosp(Xiaojian Ji)Feng Huang(黄烽)Chinese Peoples Liberat Army Gen Hosp2021 Jul 13;13:1759720X211030792
IL-1/IL-1R signaling induced by all-trans-retinal contributes to complement alternative pathway activation in retinal pigment epitheliumJOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGYSCI2生物Cheng, Xinxuan亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站Wu, Yalin;
Liao, Yi
亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站2021 May;236(5):3660-3674
Ocular Characteristics of Patients With Bardet-Biedl Syndrome Caused by Pathogenic BBS Gene Variation in a Chinese CohortFrontiers in Cell and Developmental BiologySCI2生物Xiaohong MengYanling Long第三军医大学西南医院Li, Shiying第三军医大学西南医院2021 Mar 11;9:635216
Phenotypic and transcriptomic changes in the corneal epithelium following exposure to cigarette smokeENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTIONSCI2环境科学与生态学Mengyi Jin亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站Cheng Li亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站2021 Oct 15;287:117540
The Complex Roles and Therapeutic Implications of m(6)A Modifications in Breast CancerFRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGYSCI2生物Min Wei, Jingwen Bai,亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站Guo-Jun Zhang(张国君)亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站2021 Jan 11;8:615071
The Wnt signaling pathway in tumorigenesis, pharmacological targets, and drug development for cancer therapyBIOMARKER RESEARCHSCI2医学Zhuo WangTingting Zhao厦门大学附属翔安医院Kuancan Liu厦门大学附属翔安医院2021 Sep 6;9(1):68
The G1 phase optical reporter serves as a sensor of CDK4/6 inhibition in vivoINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESSCI2生物Cuiping GuoYuxian Guo汕头大学Min ChenZhang Guojun亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站(Min Chen/厦门大学附属翔安医院(Zhang Guojun2021 Jan 31;17(3):728-741
