发布时间: 2022年06月01日浏览次数:


 任建林  教授、博士生导师







现任厦门大学附属中山医院副院长、厦门大学消化疾病研究所所长、亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站微生态研究院院长、亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站消化病学系主任、厦门市肠道微生态与健康重点实验室主任、厦门市消化内镜质控中心主任。


    牵头创建了海峡两岸消化论坛暨世界华人消化高峰论坛、世界华人消化青年论坛、海峡消化中华行等知名学术品牌。是国家科技奖评审专家、中华医学科技奖评审专家、国家科技重大专项评审专家、教育部长江学者特聘教授评审专家。担任全国高等医YAXIN SPORTS校规划教材《内科学》常务编委,主编专著10部,SCI收录论文60余篇,包括: Lancet gastroenterolgy & hepatologyGastroenterolgyJ HepatologyHepatology 等,主持973、国家科技重大专项分课题5项、国家自然科学基金4项,省、市重大课题10余项,获科技奖6项,其中第一完成人福建省科技进步二等奖1项及厦门市科技进步1等奖1项,获批转化各类专利7项,培养硕士、博士、博士后115名,是《Journal Digestive Disease》、《中华消化杂志》、《中华胰腺病杂志》等杂志编委,是海峡两岸消化杰出贡献奖获得者、福建省卫生健康系统先进工作者。







1994-1997西安医科大学 内科学 硕士

2001-2004西安交通大学医YAXIN SPORTS 内科学 博士



1997.07-1999.12,厦门大学附属中山医院 主治医师

1999.12-2005.07,厦门大学附属中山医院 副主任医师

2005.07-至今,厦门大学附属中山医院 主任医师

2006.06-至今,厦门大学附属中山医院 博士后合作导师

2008.05-至今,亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站 教授




1.Shi Y#, Chen   GB#, Huang QW#, Chen X, Liu JJ, Xu W, Liu YP, Xiao CX, Ren   JL* (corresponding) and Guleng B*. miR218-5p regulates the   proliferation of gastric cancer cells by targeting TFF1 in an   Erk1/2-dependent manner. BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease. 2015, doi:   10.1016. (IF:5.089)


2.Liu JJ#, Wang   X#, Yang XN, Liu YP, Shi Y, Ren JL*(corresponding) and Guleng B*.   miRNA423-5p regulates cell proliferation and invasion by targeting trefoil   factor 1 in gastric cancer cells. Cancer Lett. 347(1):98-104, 2014.(IF:5.016)


3.Wang HH#, Xie   NN, Li QY, Hu YQ, Ren JL*(corresponding) and Guleng B*. Exome   sequencing revealed novel germline mutations in Chinese Peutz-Jeghers   syndrome patients. Dig Dis Sci. 59(1):64-71, 2014.


4.Xiao L#, Liu   YP#, Xiao CX#, Ren JL*(corresponding)and Guleng B*. Serum TFF3 may be a   pharamcodynamic marker of responses to chemotherapy in gastrointestinal   cancers. BMC Clin Pathol. 2014, doi: 10.1186.


5.Yang XN#, Lu   YP#, Liu JJ, Huang JK, Liu YP, Xiao CX, Jazag A, Ren   JL*(corresponding) and Guleng B*. Piezo1 is as a novel trefoil factor   family 1 binding protein that promotes gastric cancer cell mobility in vitro.   Dig Dis Sci. 59(7):1428-35, 2014.


6.Li P#, Xiao L,   Li YY, Chen X, Xiao CX, Liu JJ, Yang XN, Jazag A, Ren   JL*(corresponding) and Guleng B*. Fibrinogen Alpha Chain Acts as a HBsAg   Binding Protein and their Interaction Promotes HepG2 Cell Apoptosis. Current   Proteomics. 11:48-54, 2014.


7.Xiao CX#, Yang   XN#, Huang QW, Liu JJ, Liu YP, Jazag A, Guleng B* and Ren   JL*(corresponding). ECHS1 acts as a novel HBsAg binding protein and its   interaction enhances apoptosis through mitochondrial pathway in HepG2 cells.   Cancer letter. 330(1):67-73, 2013. (IF:5.016)


8.Zhang YQ#,   Xiao CX#, Lin BY, Shi Y, Liu YP, Liu JJ, Guleng B*, Ren   JL*(corresponding). Silencing of Pokemon enhances caspase-dependent apoptosis   via fas- and mitochondria-mediated pathways in hepatocellular carcinoma   cells. PLoS One. 17; 8(7):e68981, 2013.


9.Wang LY#, Liu   YP#, Chen LG, Chen YL, Tan L, Liu JJ, Jazag A, Ren JL*(corresponding),   Guleng B*. Pyruvate kinase M2 plays a dual role on regulation of the EGF/EGFR   signaling via E-cadherin-dependent manner in gastric cancer cells. PLoS One.   28; 8(6):e67542, 2013.


10.Xiao CX#,   Wang HH#, Shi Y, Li P, Liu YP, Ren JL*(corresponding) and Guleng   B*. Distribution of bone-marrow-derived endothelial and immune cells in a   murine colitis-associated colorectal cancer model. PLoS One. 8(9):e73666,   2013.


11.Lin CC#, Zhou   JP#, Liu YP, Liu JJ, Yang XN, Jazag A, Zhang ZP, Guleng B* and Ren   JL*(corresponding).The Silencing of pokemon attenuates the proliferation of   hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo by Inhibiting the   PI3K/Akt Pathway. PLoS One. 7(12):e51916, 2012.


12.Liu JJ#, Wang   X#, Cai YL, Zhou JP, Guleng B, Shi HX and Ren JL*(corresponding). The   regulation of trefoil factor 2 expression by the transcription factor Sp3.   Biochem Bioph Res Co. 427:410-414, 2012.


13.Liu YP#, Yang   XN#, Jazag A, Pan JS, Hu TH, Liu JJ, Guleng B* and Ren   JL*(corresponding). HBsAg inhibits the translocation of JTB into mitochondria   in HepG2 cells and potentially plays a role in HCC progression. PLoS One.   7(5):e36914, 2012.


14.Tang HL#, Hu   YQ#, Qin XP, Jazag A, Yang H, Yang YX, Yang XN, Liu JJ, Chen JM, Guleng   B*, Ren JL*(corresponding). Aplasia ras homolog member I is down   regulated in gastric cancer and silencing its expression promotes cell growth   in vitro. J Gastroenterol Hepato. 27 (8):1395-1404, 2012.


15.Guleng B#,   Han J, Yang JQ, Huang QW, Huang JK, Yang XN, Liu JJ, Ren JL*(corresponding).   TFF3 mediated induction of VEGF via hypoxia in human gastric cancer SGC-7901   cells. Molecular Biology Reports. 39:4127-4134, 2012.


16.Otsuka M#,   Kang YJ, Ren J, Jiang H, Wang Y, Omata M, Han J*. Distinct effects of   p38 alpha deletion in myeloid lineage and gut epithelia in mouse models of   inflammatory bowel disease. Gastroenterology. 138(4):1237-9, 2010.


17.Pan JS#,   Zhang ZP#, Cai JY, Dong J, Ren J*(corresponding) and Wang,   XZ*. Competitive priming PCR: a versatile method to generate cohesive   terminusMolecular   Biology Reports. 37(3):1421-1425, 2010.


18.Guleng B*Lian YMRen   J*(corresponding). Mindin is upregulated during colitis and may activate   NF-kappa B in a TLR-9 mediated manner. World Journal of Gastroenterology.   16(9):1070-1075, 2010.



1.     国家自然科学基金面上项目,81370591,《miRNA423-5p调控三叶因子表达及在胃肠道粘膜修复中的作用机制》,2014.01-2017.12

2.     国家自然科学基金面上项目,30971362,《TFF3结合蛋白的验证及其介导胃癌细胞转移侵袭机制研究》,2010.01-2012.12

3.     国家自然科学基金委主任项目,30750013,《三叶因子与胃癌转移、侵袭的机制》,2008.01-2008.12

4.     国家重大科学研究计划子课题,2013CB944903,《肝脏免疫前体细胞命运决定与分化的分子调控网络 》,2013.1-2015.12

5.     973”计划子课题,2009CB522200,《炎症反应的细胞信号转导网络与肿瘤的关系》,2010.01-2013.12

6.     厦门市重要重大疾病联合攻关项目,3502Z20149032,《厦门市消化系统肿瘤早诊早治防控体系建设》,2014.01-2017.12




