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2004~2008 厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS生物科学          理学学士

2008~2013 厦门大学生命科学YAXIN SPORTS生化与分子生物学  理学博士


2013~2020德国科隆大学遗传所/CECAD研究中心     博士后

2020.11~  亚新.体育 (中国) 官方网站                         教授


Imai T*, Lin J*#, Kaya GG, Ju E, Kondylis V, Kelepouras K, Liccardi G, Kim C, Pasparakis M#. The RIPK1 death domain restrains ZBP1- and TRIF-mediated cell death and inflammation. Immunity. 2024 Jul 9;57(7):1497-1513.

*These authors contributed equally to this work.

# Corresponding authors.

Lin J*, Kumari S*, Kim C*, Van T-M*, Wachsmuth L, Polykratis A & Pasparakis.M (2016). RIPK1 counteracts ZBP1-mediated necroptosis to inhibit inflammation. Nature, 540: 124-128;

*These authors contributed equally to this work.

3.  Lin J*, Li H*, Yang M, Ren J, Huang Z, Han F, Huang J, Ma J, Zhang D, Zhang Z, Wu J, Huang D, Qiao M, Jin G, Wu Q, Huang Y, Du J, Han J (2013). A role of RIP3-mediated macrophage necrosis in atherosclerosis development. Cell Rep., 3(1):200-210.

*These authors contributed equally to this work.


1. Imai T*, Lin J*#, Kaya GG, Ju E, Kondylis V, Kelepouras K, Liccardi G, Kim C, Pasparakis M#. The RIPK1 death domain restrains ZBP1- and TRIF-mediated cell death and inflammation. Immunity. 2024 Jul 9;57(7):1497-1513.

*These authors contributed equally to this work.

# Corresponding authors.

2. Lin J*, Kumari S*, Kim C*, Van TMWachsmuth LPolykratis APasparakis M. RIPK1 counteracts ZBP1-mediated necroptosis to inhibit inflammation. Nature. 2016 Dec 1; 540(7631):124-128.

*These authors contributed equally to this work.

3. Juan Lin*, Hanjie Li*, Min Yang, Junming Ren, Zhe Huang, Felicia Han, Jian Huang, Jianhui Ma, Duanwu Zhang, Zhirong Zhang, Jianfeng Wu, Deli Huang, Muzhen Qiao, Guanghui Jin, Qiao Wu, Yinghui Huang, Jie Du and Jiahuai Han. A Role of RIP3-Mediated Macrophage Necrosis in Atherosclerosis Development. Cell Rep. 2013 Jan 31; 3(1):200-10

*These authors contributed equally to this work.

4. Lisheng Li, Wanze Chen, Yaoji Liang, Huabin Ma, Wenjuan Li, Zhenru Zhou, Jie Li, Yan Ding, Junming Ren, Juan Lin, Felicia Han, Jianfeng Wu & Jiahuai Han.The Gβγ-Src signaling pathway regulates TNF-induced necroptosis via control of necrosome translocation. Cell Research, 2014, 24, 417–432.

5. Dannappel M*, Vlantis K*, Kumari S*, Polykratis A*, Kim CWachsmuth LEftychi CLin JCorona THermance NZelic MKirsch PBasic MBleich AKelliher MPasparakis M. RIPK1 maintains epithelial homeostasis by inhibiting apoptosis and necroptosis. Nature. 2014 Sep 4; 513(7516):90-4.

*These authors contributed equally to this work.

6. Huipeng Jiao*, Laurens Wachsmuth*, Snehlata KumariRobin SchwarzerJuan LinRemzi Onur ErenAmanda FisherRebecca LaneGeorge R YoungGeorge Kassiotis , William J KaiserManolis Pasparakis. Z-nucleic-acid sensing triggers ZBP1-dependent necroptosis and inflammation. 2020 Nature 580, 391–395.

*These authors contributed equally to this work.

7. Duanwu Zhang, Juan Lin and Jiahuai Han. Receptor-interacting protein (RIP) kinase family. Cell Mol Immunol. 2010 Jul; 7(4):243-9

6. Zhang DW, Shao J, Lin J, Zhang N, Lu BJ, Lin SC, Dong MQ, Han J. RIP3, an energy metabolism regulator that switches TNF-induced cell death from apoptosis to necrosis. Science. 2009 Jul 17; 325(5938):332-6

